Epilogue Part 1

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4 days later:...

So Louis was a tad late on being on giving birth. Instead of March 22, it was March 25....

"I HATE YOU HARRY!!! IM NEVER LETTING YOU FUCK ME AGAIN!!" Louis screamed at the top of his lungs. He was on giving birth to the second child, being to late into labor to have a c-section. Harry's hand was being smashed by Louis's smaller one. The boy had a grip.

Harry was sad and happy at the same time. Louis words hurt him. But every time, Catherine, Liam or Zayn told him that it was just the pain, and Lou couldn't go without his cock. It did make Harry feel better but roll his eyes at the same time.

"AAAAHHHHH." Louis screamed. The second one was out, little Ashton.

"Louis your doing great. Just one more and you can rest." Catherine said. Since no one knew how to deliver kids, she took charge. 

"Shut thE FucK Up CAt! DO yUo KNOW How muCH pAiN thIs iS!!!"

"Yes I do. So don't tell me to shut up and push." Catherine has never seen someone more angry than Louis while giving birth. Must be a man thing.

Harry sat in the chair beside him, holding Skylar in his good arm and trying not to pull his hand away from Louis's death grip. Louis arm got better a few days ago, leaving him with two for two babies. Harry whispered 'Hi baby' and 'I love you' and many other compliments to his beautiful daughter.

Finally Caroline was born. She was the smallest of the three only weighing a 7 pounds. Louis was about to fall asleep but wanted to see his babies. He only got to see Ashton and Skylar before dozing off to sleep. As he slept Harry look at all three babies taking in how beautiful they were. And he gave all the credit to Louis.

Skylar has bright blue eyes and even though Harry wanted one kid with green eyes, he still loved her eyes, reminding him of Louis's. He saw a dimple or two when she smiled, and had Louis button nose and blonde hair. Where it came from, no clue. She came into the world at 7 and a half pounds, with no deformities on March 25 11:56 PM.

Ashton, the biggest baby, at 8 pounds, and was born on March 25 11:58 PM. He had dark brown hair, almost black looking, with green eyes and Lou's button nose. He had also had no deformities, and was a healthy baby.

Caroline one the other hand, could possibly end up with asthma. She was the smallest at 7 pounds. She had light brown hair and blue eyes along with Louis's nose. A perfect little replica of Louis, except with dimples.
Harry loved them all, and let Zayn, Catherine and Liam each hold all of them. While watching with an intense gaze.

"Good thing none of them got your nose Haz. I would've felt bad for the kid." Zayn said as he held baby Ashton in his arms. "Isn't that right Ash. No one wants your daddy's bird nose." He cooed at the baby as he giggled.

" Not funny Zayn." Harry grumbled and looked at his boyfriend. Funny how Lou and Harry have barely called each other by that word. Mainly nicknames. He also realized that those 8 letters that form 3 words with 3 syllables, has yet to be said. Yes, Harry felt it, but there was never at time. With all the stress and commotion. (Did the author forget? For sure.)

But ANYWAYS, Harry and Louis would have to take the throne on March 28. Giving them time to recover from the birth. To be honest, both were extremely nervous. Gay is literally banned and they're just about to come take the throne and be like 'We be breaking da law peasants! Now bow down fools! (Sinister laugh)'. Niall came up with it of course. Even acted it out, trying to act all hipster or rapper. Like what... what is this? Harry really needs to take Niall to get his head checked.

He looked at his sleeping Lou. They were going to spend their future together and even if the L word has never been said. Surely they can make up for that.

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