Chapter 18

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I am so sorry for my late updates.
I try to work on it as much as possible, but I've been a bit stressed over school. But I hope you like this chapter. And please vote and comment.

Louis's POV.

It had been a week since we moved in with Lottie and her niece. Our score was 6-8. Sadly Harry has eight since I had to take a day off, to tell Lottie's physician Olivia, that I was 3 months and 2 weeks pregnant with triplets. And it took a while when I had to explain how a guy could get pregnant.

It was getting closer to Halloween, and Rose was super excited. She wanted to be Cinderella or Belle. I think she looks more like a Belle, with her long brown wavy hair. But the blue Cinderella dress would bring out her eyes. And she couldn't decide between the 2, picking Belle one minute and Cinderella the next. One of us had to make a decision. And I can't let it be Harry. Then the score would be 6-9.

I have never really dressed up for Halloween, since me looking like the poor kid I was, was a costume to everyone. So I decided to go as a simple vampire. Harry on the other hand, likes to dress ridiculously. Over the years he's told me what he has dressed up as, and he weirdest one was him dressing a red riding hood.

This year, he's thinking of being a birthday boy... No really. It's sounds a bit odd, but damn! His looked so fucking hot in his outfit, I had to wank myself off later in the bathroom.

I was left alone, in the empty palace, since Harry, once again, took Rose all to himself going to an amusement park Asshole. And since Lottie took Maria sightseeing, I helped myself to anything and everything. After eating all of the castles food, relaxing in the hot tub, sadly for only 10 minutes, pregnant people couldn't stay in long. I went to meet the maids and butlers.

I like the butler Alfred the most and mostly for his name. I loved the movie Batman and Wayne's butler was Alfred. He would come check on me every 2-3 hours or so. Which I found sweet, but annoying, but I liked how he worried about me. I pulled out my phone Harry had gotten me when we moved here, since he and I could go wherever, whenever. It had been 4 hours since he left and I was getting pissed off.

Lou: Harry where are you? Why aren't you back yet?

What really pushed me over my limit was when it took him half an hour to respond.

Hazza ❤️: Love, chill. I'm at the amusement park with Rose. Ranking up my fave uncle points. We'll probably be back in 1-2 hours.

Lou: No. You are getting your ass back here right now! Idk if you want to or not! Now! Or I'll fucking cut your balls off!

Hazza ❤️: 😞 Fineee, I guess we could leave now. Be back in about 45 minutes.

Lou: Ok.

I was just about to throw this phone across the room but got interrupted by Alfred bringing in my lunch. He quickly left after I thanked him, probably noticing I was pissed.

Time passed by slower than ever, and what felt like and hour was only 10 minutes. I had nothing to do so I decided to walk around the palace.

As I walked around the halls I greeted anyone I met, before carrying on to meet Lottie and Maria in the Living room. I let out a gasp as I saw Lottie pulling away from Maria as I walked in. Interrupting their make out session.

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