Chapter 8

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Harry's POV.

"Morning Lou."
"Morning Haz." Louis was so cute in the mornings. Even though we're not together he calls me Haz, Hazza, or Hazzbear every morning. He doesn't change nicknames much. I wished he called me them throughout the day. I got up and stretched. Maria wasn't going to bring us breakfast today. I was taking Lou out to breakfast. He deserves it. Being pent up in my room, which can't be that bad, and not to mention he's caring my child. My baby caring my baby.

"Lou, you ready to go?" I said rolling up the sleeves on my hoodie.
"Yeah!" I walked out of the bathroom to see him clapping his hands in excitement. "Come on Harry! I'm... We're hungry." He put a hand on his stomach and smiled. I smiled as I stood in front of him. I'm glad he's happy to have my child. I certainly am. I wouldn't have picked anyone else. "Harry..." Louis's voice broke the silence. "Are you okay with me having your kid? I mean... your life could-"
"Imma stop you right there." I said in a stern voice. I need to calm down. "Look Louis. I am so happy your having our kid. I don't care about my life. I hate it. Being forced into everything. You're the best thing that has happened to me. I love you Lou." I blurted the last few words. I've been scared to tell him. Cause if I lost him, I could never love anyone else.
"You love me?" Louis said confused. I looked back up from the ground to see tears in his eyes. He's so emotional now, pregnancy hormones. He wrapped me in a tight hug "I love you too! I just didn't have the guts to tell you." I smiled as I hugged him tighter. I let go of him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
"Come on. I have the best place to take us." I took ahold of his hand and led him out of my bedroom.
At Dove Aarons

We walked in to the fresh scent of pancakes and bacon. This was my favorite place to eat out. They served breakfast, lunch and dinner. All my favorite meals. We took our seats in a booth in the corner. At the beginning of sitting down we were facing each other. But I decided to sit closer to Louis. He didn't seem to mind. I know being gay is illegal, but we were in a corner booth and it wasn't busy, a few people hear and there. Plus the waiters know me since I come here at every opportunity I get.

"Hi. I'm Carey and I'll be serving you this morning. Can I get you anything to drink?" She said in a cheerful voice. Her eyes landed on me and a huge smile appeared on her face. "Harry. Long time no see. How are you? And who's with you today?" Louis turned to me eyes wide in confusion. Which I can understand, no one is supposed to recognize me.
"Hi Carey. I've been doing great lately, other than my father forcing to marry a women. And this is Louis... my friend." I could feel Louis's eyes on me. I turn to him and look him in the eyes and put a hand on his thigh and mouthed the words It's okay. Louis, who, I guess if great at reading lips, takes a deep breath and looks up at Carey and smiles.
"Nice to meet you Louis. Now since Harry has a friend he'll have someone to eat with." She chuckled. I rolled my eyes at how she said friends sarcastically. She knew as well as I, that I wanted to say boyfriend. "Now can I get you anything to drink?"

"Orange juice please." Louis said still smiling.
"The usual Care." I smiled and turned to Louis, who looked back at me confused. Carey nodded her head and walked away.
"The usual? You come here that often? And please tell what's going on." Louis questioned but it was more of a demand.
"Yes, Lou, the usual. This is my first restaurant to come to. And everything is okay. I've visited enough that I know every waiter and they all know me. Yes, they also know I'm gay and, I don't know if it's because I'm the prince or not but they support me. So don't worry, everything is okay." I rubbed Louis's thigh up and down trying to calm him down.
"If you say so Harry." He sighed.

Carey came back with our drinks and took our orders. I ordered a pancakes and bacon and Louis got waffles with eggs. He hasn't seemed to have weird cravings yet. But, there's still so much I don't know about him. His age, (which is weird) his parents, his favorite things. Nothing really.

"Harry?" I hadn't realized I was staring at Louis the whole time. "You okay?"
"Huh yeah. I was just thinking. Um... Lou who were you raised by?"
"Uh wow. Weird question out of the blue, but I was raised by my aunt. She wasn't married so I didn't have an uncle. She raised me ever since I-I was born basically. I've never met my mom or my dad. My aunt... she died a few months ago. Um... Why-why wasn't I good enough for my parents." Louis's had streams of hot tears rolling down his face. I cupped his cheeks with my hands;
"Lou, don't think like that. They probably couldn't afford to raise you. They-... Louis, you are worth so much to me. I'm putting my throne and life at risk because I love you." I wrapped my arms around my emotional babies. "Don't ever forget that." I could feel Louis's tears on my neck. He removed his head and looked at his food, taking some of his egg and eating it.

"What ab-about you? And y-your parents?" Louis asks still trying to calm down.
"Well my father has been married twice. His first wife died giving birth to their first child when he was around my age. He married my mother when he was 40. Um... they lost their first child due to a second trimester pregnancy lost when he was 42. They had me three years after that when he was 45. My mother picked my name, since Harry meant Home Ruler, she thought it fit perfectly. She died a few years after having my brothers. Um..." I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I tried wiping them away, but they didn't stop. I really really loved my mom. I felt Louis's hand on my thigh. Tears in his eyes, before I wrapped him in a hug again. Remembering my mother made it feel like I was falling again.

After we had calmed down we went back to eating asking easier, less depressing questions.
"So what's your favorite animal Harry?"
"Definitely a cat. They're so cute and comforting pets. What about you?"
"Probably a dog. Man's best friend."
"A dog?! Lou, they slobber! It's disgusting!"
"But great companions. You can't change my mind Harry."

"How old are you? It's kinda strange how I don't know." Louis let out a laugh.
"Yeah. Really strange. But, I'm 38"
"You're older than me?! How is that possible?!. Your height must've thrown me off." I let out another laugh and felt a punch in the arm.
"I'm 5'9! I'm not that short!" I couldn't stop laughing. He was like an angry elf.

"Okay okay." I said trying to stop my laughter to ask another question. "Why do you only call me nicknames in the morning? Why not all the time?"
"I didn't know if you liked them."
"I love them Lou. They're so cute..... Louis. What are we?" I've wondered this question for a few days now. We only knew each for a week and a half. But, we'll be parents in nine months and I already love him so much.
" I don't know Haz." The rest of breakfast was dead silent. Well except for the noise around us. Which left me to one question that needed to be answered.

"Louis. Will you be my boyfriend?"


Hi everyone!

I'm so so sorry for updating like a week later. I got sick, which I know is an excuse, but I'm so sorry.

But here's Chapter 8 finally! Quite a roller coaster of emotions at breakfast. Not one I would want to attend.

What's your favorite song of Harry's Fine Line or Louis's Walls? I like Falling and Adore You to We Made it, Kill my Mind and Defenseless .

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Word count ~ 1370

~ Ryan

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