Epilogue Part 2

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Fucking love this picture so much. I saw it in Not Again? Amazing book!! One of my favorites!

At 7 o'clock sharp, guests were entering the ballroom for the ball. But no one was ready. Louis was close to having a panic attack. Harry was trying to stay calm and put the children to sleep, while Zayn calmed Louis. Liam was ordering people around. Catherine was reciting her speech. Lottie, who just got there, was putting her things away and getting Misty settled in. And Damien.... well Damien was at one of the food tables chatting up some princess.

"Louis are you okay?" Zayn looked at the soon to be king with worry.

"Better. Extremely nervous, but I'm good. How do I look?" Louis stood up and stood in front of Zayn. Liam, Zayn and Louis came up with the idea to surprise everyone, mainly Harry, with Louis wearing a dress. It was a strapless long sleeved blue dress, with a sparkly waist piece and sparkly small flowers around the top.

"Stunning, beautiful, fuckable, goddess like

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"Stunning, beautiful, fuckable, goddess like." Louis whipped his body around, making the bottom of the dress do a spin. He saw Harry, looking at him from the doorway. Louis blushed and looked away only to mumble a thank you. "You're welcome baby." Harry walked over to him and made Louis look at him before kissing him on the lips. Both were so into their world they didn't see Zayn walk out.

"You look stunning, handsome, and god like yourself." Louis finally broke the silence.

"Not fuckable?" Harry gasped and Louis busted out laughing.

"You don't get fucked Harry." Harry's face became red.

"Right." He mumbled. And Louis giggled and placed a kiss on his cheek. They stood in silence again until Liam called for them. It was time.

"You ready Lou?" Harry asked as they walked hand in hand to the ballroom.

"Absolutely not. You?"

"Not ready either. But we'll do it together."



"Thank you all for coming. Today we are to welcome our new king and queen with open arms." Catherine spoke through the mic. People in the room clapped. "Thank you. Now please welcome, King Harry Styles from England and Queen Louis Tomlinson from France." People clapped but the whisper gossiping was heard above it. Louis and Harry walked our and everyone gasped. The room dead silent. Harry looked at Louis, Louis's face covered with fear. Harry kissed him, before taking he mic from Catherine.

"Thank you Catherine. Now everyone listen to me. Before any of you say the wrong thing, I have already lifted a rule. Hopefully for many it will make your lives easier. In England-" Louis stood up and took Harry's hand, "and France. It is not illegal to be gay." People cheered, while others booed, but the cheering was louder. Harry gave the mic to Louis. "Your turn babe. You can do it." And with that Harry kissed Louis's cheek and stood beside him.

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