Chapter 23

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February 22

Louis's POV

It happened so quickly. It was like any other day. Harry was out working, trying to have some control over the damage that was caused when we were caught in public... again. And saying Harry and I were furious was an understatement. I had to calm Harry down multiple times, before he punched a wall or threw something.

Their words were horrible, like being stabbed with a knife, but not dying in the process. People gathered around us, taking pictures, microphones shoved in our faces as we tried to get away. I tried to stay calm, before I had a panic attack and going into premature labor. I still had another month. People called us fags, but mostly it was the sentences that people had said.

'I don't want to be ruled by idiotic fags.' 'Why does the pregnant woman not accept that she's female? Males can't get pregnant!' 'Is the 'man' even royal. Or can Harry just fuck whoever he wants off the street.'

I sat on the couch, holding Misty, watching Criminal Minds. I had cried all morning, and I needed something that I would find not depressing to keep my mind off my problems.

I had almost started to cut myself again. Wondered if I deserve to live or whether I would be mentally stable when my kids were born. But what plagued my mind, the five words engraved in my brain, I'll be a terrible mother. Fuck, I wasn't even supposed to be a mother!

I turned off the tv, not helping me take my mind off things and headed upstairs to sleep. Misty followed, laying on my belly once I was comfortable in bed. I didn't know how long it was until I feel asleep.

I woke up to see Harry watching me sleep. He smiled at me, but I could tell he was upset. Something was wrong.....
Harry's POV.

Taking care of damage, was all I was doing since six in the morning. Louis and I had gotten no sleep, and I was exhausted. Words and phrases were thrown at me. But their was no use trying to control damage that couldn't be controlled. No wonder managements of singers and actors were horrible at it.

I was on my way home when an unknown caller called me. I answered it knowing I could hang up if it was just a tell marketer.

" Hello?"

"Harry my disgrace of a son. I want to say congratulations." I rolled my eyes, why did he have to call. And how the fuck did he get my number?!

"Why? Because I'm all over the news? Being hated upon."

"No my boy! You're getting married!" What??!!

"No I'm not."

"But you are, it's on March 22. The princess of Switzerland, Coraline Fräulein the III is going to be your wife! Don't worry she is beautiful and I think I picked the best-"

"You picked. Listen here you're not my father! You disowned me! I don't have to marry that bitch!"

"But you have to. I never signed anything. Well, accept for a wedding arrangement." I'm done.

"You fucking god damn son of a bitch! You're not my mother fucking father, you piece of shit! You never were! You fucking treat me like shit and now I'm marrying some fucking ass bitch! Fuck you!"

" Now listen here!..." I hung up the phone, whipping my tears away. I stepped out of the car and walked inside. I went up to mine and Louis's bedroom. I opened the door to see my Lou sleeping. My poor baby. I didn't know how long I watched him, all I could see was my world and my three moons that would orbit my world soon.

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