Chapter 24

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"Harry are you sure?"

"Positive. I have to Lou."

"But what if he hurts you and what if I go into labor before the birth date?"

"I'll be back in a few days Loubear. It'll be okay and if you do I'll fly right back." Louis let out a sigh knowing he can't change Harry's mind on leaving.

"Call me everyday?" Louis asked looking at Harry packing his bags."

"Of course! We can even FaceTime if you want." Harry placed a kiss on Louis's forehead. Harry doesn't want to leave, but he needs to put his father in his place. Preferably six feet in the ground.

After convincing Louis, and saying goodbye to everyone Harry was on his way back to England. The plane ride there consists of crying to A Dog's Purpose, and napping.

Once he made it to the castle his 'home', Harry was greeted by a now blonde haired Niall.

"Harry! It's so good to see you!"

"You too!... What happened to your hair?"

"I bleached it. Does it look bad?"

"No Nialler. I was just shocked. Last time I saw you, your hair was brown. Why did you do it?"

"Liam dared me too. Him, Zayn, I and shockingly Damien played truth or dare. By the way, Liam's bald." Harry bust out laughing at the thought of Liam being bald.

"I'd love to see that!" As Niall led Harry to his old room, he caught up with Liam and Zayn.

"Looking older already Liam." Harry smirked. "Wait til Louis hears about this."

"Shut up." Liam grumbled crossing his arms.

"Where is Lou anyways?" Zayn asked.

"I left him back with Lottie. My so called "father" would've killed him. Speaking of him, how's the plan? Main reason I came here, right?" Harry looked at Zayn, who looked at Liam, who looked Niall. Niall huffed knowing he got stuck with telling the plan.

"It's going... okay I suppose. I couldn't kill him, neither could Zayn and Liam is just too loud." Liam glared at Niall before speaking.

"We want you to kill him. If tha-"

"Okay I'll do it." Liam along with Niall and Zayn looked at Harry in a bit of shock. "What? He tried killing Lou. My kids! Arranged me a FUCKING MARRIAGE!! AND RUINED MY LIFE SINCE THE SECOND MY MOM DIED!!! HE DESERVES TO DIE!!!" Harry screamed, his words echoing through the big bedroom. Niall placed a hand on his shoulder.

"O-okay Harry. But— promise to take... anger m-management classes? It's um... getting out of control." Niall quickly backed off, worried Harry will flip, but all he did was nod his head.

"I know it is. And I'm going to, once this is over. I don't want to flip on Lou or my kids." Harry sighed before turning the discussion back on the plan. Not wanting to talk about his problems.

"So Zayn will lead Des to the infirmary where Liam is supposedly quite injured. And being the favorite and perfect child he is to be Des goes along. And as he follows you through the hallway, I shoot him, wearing a maid outfit? While Niall, tries to cancel the wedding. Sounds great, but are you serious?! A maid outfit?!! It's not like he knows I'm here!!"

"Calm Harry. It would draw less attention and its not a maid it's a butler.... unless you want to wear the skirt." Niall stated calmly, smirking as Harry's cheeks turned a bit pink.

To be honest, Harry kind of wanted to wear the skirt. Do a twirl when his father dies. Call him psycho but he doesn't care if he kills his father. Hell! He'd even dance on his grave!!

As they prepared for their roles in the plan. Harry dresses into his butler outfit and headed to the kitchen, where most of the staff hangs out. As he entered he was welcomed back with open arms except for some, including the chef. Which made sense, because he always complained of her cooking. As he talked to one of the maids, Nora, a gun shot was heard. Scaring everyone, as Harry only flinched. Nora, feel to the ground screams coming from everyone in the room but Harry. Who stared into the shooters eyes, the devil himself who he called father.

His father walked towards him, reloading the gun, placing it at Harry's head. Harry, still not caring, placing his right hand on his gun.

"Hello Harry." His father spat. Harry's name rolled off his tongue, sounding like his name was venom to his father. "So nice of you to visit me."

"The pleasure is mine." Harry spat back, emphasizing the word pleasure. He now had his gun in hand behind his back.

" I would love to finally put you in the ground. But not after your wedding." His father grinned evilly at Harry. And he snapped, he had enough of his father. He pulled aimed the gun from his lower half. He duck his head and shoot his father in the guts. His father shooting after missing Harry. "You son of a bitch!" His father cried out stumbling backwards. Harry kicked him in the stomach, making him fall.

"You are a bitch!!! Your disease couldn't kill you fast ENOUGH!!! YOU COULDNT LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!" After each sentence, he kicked his father right where the bullet penetrated him. His father screamed in pain, his hand and shirt covered in blood. As Harry, lost all his senses, yelling and kicking his father.

"You're just like me!!!" Harry's father yelled, " I killed my father too!!" Harry took a step back. What?

"No... no that not true. IM NOTHING LIKE YOU!!" Desmond laughed hysterically.

"You are! Don't deny it! I killed him! I wanted him dead! You're just like me." Harry held the gun aiming at his dads head. "Shot me. Be like me." Desmond said. Harry couldn't keep his hands from shaking.

No! I'm nothing like you!! You are don't deny it anymore. No! I'm better than him! The voices bickered back and forth until Harry couldn't take it anymore.

"Shut up!!!" Harry screamed, dropping the gun and putting his hands over his ears. "Leave me alone!" Leave you alone? I don't think so. You almost killed Nick. You're psycho, just like your father! Leave me alone! I'm nothing like him! I'll do anything!! Please!

Desmond grinned wickedly. He watched his son battle himself. And it was hilarious. Watching his son shed tears, was like a gift from God himself. He picked up the gun, and aimed it at Harry.....
                                     ......shooting him.

Realizing how this went from a romantic kind of book, to this fooked up crap. Sorry.

But I updated early and left you a cliff hanger. And yeah they suck. I know.

Here's Chapter 24! Please vote and comment!

Word Count~1096. So it's short, but when isn't it?

Love you all!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜     Stay safe!!


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