Epilogue Part 3

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"HARRY!!! HELP ME!!" Louis screamed startling a 2 year old Skylar.

"WHAT IS IT?!" Harry shouted back. Voice filled with concern.

"ITS A SPIDER!!!" Louis screamed. Niall sat in the corner covering Ashton's ears.

"Never become like your daddy Ashy boy."

"RUN LOU ITS GONNA KILL US!!!" Harry screamed and ran out of the room with Caroline. The married idiotic couple ran out of the room leaving Niall and Ashton.

"KILL IT NI! LOOK AT IT!! ITS HUGE!" Harry screamed.

"Never become like your papa either Ash. He's a sissy too." Niall sat up and walked over to the oh so scary baby spider. Ignoring the two parents screams to get Ashton away he stepped on the bug and sat back down. Harry and Louis with two upset girls came back into the room.

"That was a close one." Louis sighed in relief. Louis and Harry were going on a little trip without the kids to do—necessary things.

"You said it." Harry said as he placed Caroline on the floor.

"Ca I be spidy man?" Ashton asked his uncle Niall.

"Yes Ash you can be spider man. I bet your father's would love that. Right?"
Niall gave the two parents a glare.

"Yes tot-tally." Harry spoke before turning his back to Niall to face Louis who was looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"When a robot spider comes around cause he spidy man you're not getting anything for months. And, you'll be sleeping on the couch."

"Not the couch." Harry whined dramatically. Honestly the couch was big and comfy but he had no blankets and no Lou. Who was in the same room. It is torture. Louis fondly smiled and got on his tip toes to kiss Harry on his cheek.

"Does anyone know where Zayn is?" Niall asked when Lillian (one of Louis and Harry's one year olds) came crawling in. Zayn was to be on supervision of Lillian and Evelyn. The two one years olds basically favorited Zayn over there own parents. Both looked a lot like Harry, since they are identical twins. The only Louis in them is their eyes. Of course Evelyn has one green, one blue eye which is how they tell the two apart.

"Last thing I remember is Zayn and Liam were going to go riding." Louis snickered. Harry smirked from behind him as he wrapped his arms around his waist and whispering in his ear.

"You'll be riding me soon." Harry spoke lowly, sending shivers down Louis spine.

As Louis and Harry said there goodbyes, making sure all five of their little ones were good in Niall's and Maria's hands. They headed out for their 5 day vacation.

"I can't believe my sister is engaged to Maria." Louis sat down beside Harry in the limo as it drove to the airport.

"I can't believe Maria is the man of the relationship." Harry smiled down as Louis who cuddled into his side.

"I hope they do great ruling France. Ruling is hard!" Louis whines. Louis didn't do as much paperwork as Harry, he did more caring work. He took care of charity events and his five children. He always has to keep an eye on them.

Liam has been trying to steal Ashton for a while now. Always saying 'Who me noooooo....' and 'But but then you'll only have to take care of 4!' And Louis would simply reply with a 'No.' And Liam would sulk away only to return again hours or a day later. Liam's supposed to be the father out of everyone, yet he's trying to steal kids! What the hell!

"You got the easy part. You get to take care of our kids and our kittens." Harry spoke fondly. He loved the four kittens Misty gave to them two months ago. See as a second anniversary present Louis got Harry another cat, since he loved Misty to bits. Who he called Dusty. Dusty was not fixed and was arranged to be a week later. However little did they know Misty wasn't fixed either and boom, a prego cat. And with a prego cat, Harry quickly got distracted by the guilt he felt for chopping off Dusty's balls.

Misty had four kittens, 3 males and 1 female. Almost all four were tabby, except for one of the males who was all grey. Harry named all four with a snap. Picking up everyone, saying 'I love you' before placing it back with its mother and proclaiming its name. Shadow, Cotton, Baby and Tangerine. Tangerine to him was the most precious, being the only female. He dubbed her three names. Pascal Edward Tangerine. And Louis couldn't help but roll his eyes at Harry naming the cat Edward. Later Louis found out it's initials spelled PET and Harry quickly made Tangerine the middle name. 'It's not a pet it's family.'

After a silent yet comfortable ride to the airport they walked in and headed to find there boarding area.

"Harry that is clearly a j."

"Nuh uh its a i." Harry crosses his arms and pouted. Sometimes Louis wonders how he's the man of the relationship.

"Fine it's i. But when it's J be prepared for a I told you so." Harry's mood went from pouty to happy to upset in a single sentence. Louis fondly smiled at him as he mumbled something before taking hold of his suitcase. As they walked, Louis trying to keep up with Harrys fast pace, they made to i7. Which as Louis thought was the wrong boarding area, so he had to keep up with Harrys pace all the way to j7. Louis grinned in triumph before pecking Harry on the lips to make his pout vanish.

"I love you Haz." Louis spoke as they stood looking at each other fondly.

"I love you too babe." Harry spoke brushing a small strand of hair behind Louis's ear. A flash went off and the two whipped three heads to see Lottie with a camera. Smiling widely.

"This is going in the scrapbook!!" She squealed before skipping away to Maria who was holding the scrapbook. They giggled before taking each other's hands and skipping away.

"They're not good at hiding this project are they." Harry spoke fondly. They're friends have been putting a scrapbook together for 2 and a half years and the whole world probably knows.

"Yeah they are a bit ditzy. But I love them." Louis spoke as he stared into Harry's green eyes.

"But you love me more." He said cheekily. Louis giggled.

"Yes boo, I love you so much more."

That vacation Louis was impregnated with a boy who would soon be the 6th child out of 8.

IT IS THE END!!! or is it?

Nope it's the end I hope you all enjoyed! And I have many books that hopefully will be better coming after this.

Word count - 1115.

I love you all! Thanks for reading! ❤️💚💙


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