Chapter 21

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So one of my friends sent me this gif and I found it quite funny. Hope you all like it!

It's been two days, since the hitman hurt Louis. No one had entered the room, which held the now prisoner. Harry has talked to Liam and told him to be careful with his crazy idea to kill his father. He wasn't going to oppose to it. He hated his father with his whole being, and he had no doubt that God, himself hated his father too.

Sadly Harry had to see if the prisoner was alive, and at least still in the room. But with what Harry had done to him, cutting off small pieces of limb at a time. He was absolutely certain he'd be in the room. Still tired up, looking shitty as ever. Harry had a plate of food and a cup of water. Not wanting the man with info to die of hunger or dehydration. He opened the door, the room just how he left it. It made a shiver go down his spine, at the horrific scene. Everything in the room was ruined. Even one of Louis's blankets, the green one.

Harry day the cup and plate on the table. Making his way over to the man to see if he was alive. Luckily, he was slowly breathing. Harry untied him, and as much as possible, tried not to touch him as he sat him on the bed. Harry grabbed the cup of water, to the man's lips. He should've thought about how he going to eat and drink with no fingers. The man hesitated, worried the drink was poisoned. But drank it anyways, seeing how he was still alive and his capturer brought him food and water. Once he was finished drinking, Harry stood up to get the plate of food.

"Why are you doing this? You could've let me bleed out and you didn't." The man looked at the window he had shattered. Worried the man would go psycho on him again. Harry let out a small laugh, amused by the prisoner's stupidity.

"How would I get my answers then?" Harry said slowly. He walked over to the bed and put a piece of pork chop on the fork. He felt like he was feeding a helpless man child.

"I won't answer you. The man who hired me would kill me." Harry let out an annoyed huff.

"You're going to die either way. But I'll let you live if you tell me." The man looked at Harry. If he was going to die either way, he might as well tell Harry.

"Promise I'll live?" The man asked to make sure and Harry nodded. He just wanted answers. "Ok, King Desmond-"

"Fucking son of a bitch. Please continue." Harry butted in when he heard his father's name. Although he was a top suspect, Harry thought Des thought Louis was dead. That was until they saw themselves all over the news.

"Um... ok. The King hired me to kill this Louis Tomlinson. Which was easy to find since he knew he was in France. He wanted me to... kill him, and cut him open, and lay the babies beside him and-"

"Stop, please." Harry was horrified. He didn't want to know what his father thought of. Louis dying was enough, but his kids. No no no.

"I'm sorry. He was willing to pay me millions after I refused when I heard what he wanted me to do. I wouldn't have to do anything for the rest of my life." He finished.

"Your name?" Harry asked. He didn't need to know it, but after what he did to the man, he didn't want to call him names when he came to check on him.

"Nick." Nick didn't know what Harry needed his name for. But if Harry was letting him live, he wasn't taking any chances. Harry nodded his head.

" I'm sorry for torturing you. I was-"

"Scared, worried, angry. I understand. I was after your family after all." Nick spoke out. Although he was still angry for losing half his body and almost lost his life, he had lost his family in a freak accident, and didn't cope well at all. Actually, he lost his control over himself, driving him mad, out to kill to hopefully one day kill the man that killed his parents.

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