Chapter 2

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Edited and Rewritten

Harry had been awaken the next morning by the sound of an unfamiliar voice.

"Your majesty." The voice said closing the door. " I have your breakfast."

"Thanks." Harry said tiredly, rubbing his eyes to hopefully rid them of sleep. Sitting up straight he looked at the blonde headed boy with the breakfast tray. His smile was formed by braced teeth and he looked no older than 16. He had blue eyes that sparkled and the strangest accent that Harry has never heard before. It didn't sound British, meaning he must've traveled here from another country.

"What is your name?"

"Niall." He spoke cheerfully. Niall must be a morning person, because Harry can't remember he last time he woke up and smiled for no apparent reason.

"Are you from around here Niall?" He asked, Harry found it rude not to know the people who cater your meals and every other menial job. Plus making a new friend never hurt no one.

"No. I was raised in Ireland until I was seventeen and my mum and I moved here about... a year or so ago." A huge smile covered his face from ear to ear. Harry nodded along as he dug into his food. Harry knew he had a different accent, yet he looked younger than eighteen, or possibly nineteen. As Harry continued eating, Niall sat his outfit for today on the bed.

"You have quite a busy schedule today, your majesty. You'll be meeting with your brothers for an hour of horseback riding, only to be followed by a meeting with his highness. Afterwards, you will be visiting an adoption shelter for a charity event."

"What time is my horseback ride?" Harry never found himself enthusiast about horseback riding. Granted, he cared for the horses he owned very much, but he wanted a hobby that would test him or at the very least give him joy. Riding a horse through town as per usual and using the most polished accent possible. As if anything but was a disgrace to the royal family. Harry's brothers, Liam and Damien loved horseback riding however. It might be a twin thing. Or just the fact that they love attention and acting spoiled and full of themselves. Which, truly they didn't have to act out that part. They were that annoying without even trying.

"In an hour." Niall says heading towards the door with the dishes. He bows and exits. Harry had liked Niall, although they didn't talk much Harry could see them becoming friends.

Harry put on his outfit, brown diamond patterned vest and all and head down to the stables. His sibling and him had five horses, Lily, Sirius, Hermione, Ginger and Tea Bag. Tea Bag, was probably the most beloved horse of all five. Tea Bag was named by Liam on his second birthday. The pony every girl wanted was gifted to Liam before he even knew how to form a sentence. Tea Bag and Lily were not in their stables, meaning that Harry's brothers were already out and about on the horses. Harry's horse was Ginger. Her coat was a light brown with white spots here and there. However, Ginger was in the blazing sun her light brown coat looked more orange. She was the best horse in the stables in Harry's opinion. The most fascinating one too, for no horses had actual orange coats. He got on Ginger and headed to his two brother which he presumed were prancing by the gate.

"Hi Harry." Liam said in a monotone voice, Damien sticking out his tongue. Even though Damian was born first out of the two, he acted the youngest. Mainly due to the fact that their father favored him more than himself. Which was both shocking and agitating to both Liam and Harry. Though not unexpected. Harry has never been too close to his siblings,due to the fact that Harry couldn't care less about being royal. While Damien and surprisingly Liam, since he sees eye to eye with Harry on a few things, demanded to be bathed in liquid gold. Plus the hatred towards Harry from Damien because he preferred boys and not the one night stands he brings home every other night. If Damien even called the castle home. Because to Harry, the castle was just a castle, that he was currently occupying.

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