Chapter 22

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Louis walked around the room, making sure everything was in order.
Cake? Check.
Decorations? Check.
Presents? Check.
Niall, Liam, Zayn & Damien? Check.
As he checked off the list, he looked at the time. 3:30, Harry would be coming back with Rose.

Today was Harry's 36 birthday, and the very first Louis was going to be there for. And he wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. He made sure the cake was Harry's favorite flavor, and the decorations mostly consisting of Harry's favorite colors.

The surprise party was being held in the living room part of the castle. He hoped it was still a surprise. Rose had caught everyone in the act and she promised she wouldn't tell Harry. She also said that when Louis told her not to tell Harry that he accidentally knocked over a candle and the curtain caught on fire. That didn't happen, because later that day Harry asked him about it.

It had turned 4:00 when we turned out the lights and hid. A couple minutes passed by when the we heard a door open and close and Rose yelling for Harry to follow her. He luckily had no idea, because he asked where they were going and why. They came into the dimmed room, light coming in through the curtained windows.

"Rose, the rooms dark, no ones in here. See." Harry turned on the lights, and Louis and the rest screamed happy birthday to Harry. Harry let out a girly scream, guess he gets scared easily. He soon had a huge dimpled smile on his face as we all sang happy birthday to him. Louis didn't know the main reason Harry was smiling. His Lou was so happy. After everything they had gone through, his Lou was smiling and singing in his angelic voice that Harry loved.

"Happy Birthday Haz." Louis said and placed a kiss on Harry's forehead, and Harry may have had to lean down from their height difference, but he didn't mind. It wasn't that it was a big height difference, but Louis couldn't stand on his tip toes anymore.

Harry blew out his candles, after the second try of missing a few of the 36 candles on the cake. It was store bought after Louis forbid anyone to bake the cake but him and failed burning 3 cakes. And with barely anytime to do a fourth one, Lottie ran to the store to buy one.

As they watch Harry receive his presents of mostly baby clothes and baby toys. Harry looked upon the one oddly shaped gift. It looked like books, and Harry could care less about reading, that was until he opened it, finding 9 movies. 4 were for his unborn babies, but what caught his attention the most was a sticky note in between two movies.

I want you to fuck me on the side of the bed tonight. ;) ~Loubear

Harry flipped his head around his mid-length curls flipping with it. He looked at Lou who had a smirk on his face, as he stared a Harry. Harry walked over to Lou, and thanked him for the gift, before whispering in his ear.

"You should have worded it differently. We are supposed to be royal." Louis let out a giggle before whispering back.

"I'm sorry Haz. What I meant to write was I want you to penetrate me on the edge of our sleeping quarters this evening." Harry busted out laughing, not caring for Lottie who was eyeing them suspiciously. Louis tried to look upset but ended up laughing at how he worded the sentence.

Some very poor poor smut. I'm sorry.

Louis and Harry scurried up to their bedroom when they were able to get away. Once in, Harry placed a passionate kiss on Louis's lips. As they quickly got undressed, Harry started laughing.

"What?" Louis asked as he looked at Harry with a confused expression.

"Just thinking. How you'll get penetrated fairly soon." Louis's cheeks turned a rosy pink, regretting saying that sentence.

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