Chapter 3

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Edited and Rewritten
Smut warning

Louis has been lounging on the coach for what seems like years. His face feels fantastic from whatever green ointment was rubbed onto his face. He's been contemplating if the gorgeous "knight in shining armor" brought Louis into his home because he felt bad for him. Louis couldn't think of another normal reason for Harry to do so. And God did he despise the fact people pity him. So he's doesn't have money and steals food and clothes to survive. So what!

It was about 8:30, when Louis decided to take a shower. Harry's bedroom had everything, a flat screen tv, couches, a king size bed, his own private bathroom, with a huge shower and bathtub. When Louis found the spacious bathtub, pearly white and sparkling, he knew he just had to take a bath. He turned on the water, making sure it was the perfect temp before plugging the tub and letting it fill. It's been... Louis don't know how long it's been since he's had a bath. As the massive tub filled, Louis looked around the bathroom for things he'd need for his bath.

"Shampoo, body wash, conditioner,"Louis repeated to himself "shampoo, body wash, conditioner." He opened the cabinet under the sink in search of what he needed. Instead he found a basket of bath bombs. Luna bath bombs, shimmer bath bombs, watermelon tangerine, Lavender and more. And Louis couldn't help himself but take an apple cinnamon bath bomb. No wonder Harry smelt like a combination of apples and vanilla. Louis had no second thoughts as he unwrapped the bomb and plopped it into the fairly hot water. For as Harry said "...make yourself at home."

It's been 30 minutes since Louis's  gotten in. He has already washed his hair with Harry's apple scented child shampoo, which on the bottle said No tears if the shampoo were to get in his eyes. Louis submerged himself into the water, his head in submerged so he wouldn't drown. A while later Louis heard the doors to the bedroom open. Must be Harry... Louis thought, THAT MUST BE HARRY! OH SHIT!

Louis began to panic as he jumped out of the bathtub and unplugged it for the water to drain. Towels, towels!!! Where are the fucking towels. He thought. Louis looks to the shelves to see the top shelf with filled with fluffy towels, way out of his reach. Stupid 6 feet people. What do I do?! As he continued to panic he got an idea. The shelves were beside the sink. If he were to just... hoist himself up onto the sink and started reaching for a towel he could hopefully reach a towel. As Louis went through with the plan, it was working perfectly, he could almost feel the fluffiness of the towel.

Until the plan wasn't working.

He leaned too much to the side and slipped off the counter. Louis fell hard enough that he felt as if he could pass out.

"Stupid balance." He murmured. Louis hit his head on the tile floor but luckily just a bump the size or an egg was left on his head. The person outside the bathroom seemed unaware that Louis had fell until;

"Cold!" Louis shouted. He stood up faster than he's ever done and quickly covered his mouth with his hands. You dumbass. Louis scolded himself. If only he liked the cold.
The door opened seconds later, to see a half undressed Harry who looked a bit too drunk from just a charity event. What made the situation worse though, was the fact Louis stood in front of him in all his naked glory. Before Louis could get a word out, a smirk formed on Harry's face.

"Louieeeeee." He slurred. Confirming to Louis that he was drunk. "It's rude to tease me in such a way." Louis knee what he was talking about. Of course he did, he was naked and shamelessly half hard by looking at Harry's chest.

"H-Harry." Louis stuttered out, because as much as he felt the sexual tension in the room and his bodies want for Harry, this cannot happen. Harry's drunk. How drunk, Louis doesn't know, but drunk enough to think he's gay. As Harry looked at Louis up and down with a smirk still visible on his face, Louis could tell that something was going to happen. And it was going to be hard to resist.

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