Chapter 25

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Back at it again!! And FINALLY!!! The PR stunt is coming to an end.

He picked up the gun, and aimed it at Harry.....
......shooting him.

Harry groaned in pain and fell to the floor. He put a hand to his right shoulder. He fell to the ground in pain, feeling his hand covered in blood. He heard the gun load again and another shot fired... everything went black....

Zayn, Liam and Niall ran into the kitchen when the second shot was fired. Hitting Harry in the side. He feel the the ground, unconscious. Liam ran over to his father and kicked him in the back of the head. Zayn along with Niall, ran Harry to Zayn's surgery room. They had to get the bullets out of him and stop him bleeding as quickly as possible.

Liam stares at his now unconscious father, before stomping his foot into his head. A loud crack was heard and a puddle of blood surrounded his father's head.

"Good riddances." Liam told some of the staff to clean up the mess before running to the surgery room.

"Is he alive?"

"He's trying Liam. He has a bullet that ricocheted off his hipbone and luckily it went back outwards rather than any other direction. It will be easier to get out. The bullet in his shoulder should be easy, but we need to get him to stop bleeding."

"Do we tell Louis?" Niall butted in, pressing on Harry's side to slow the bleeding.

"No. That will cause him too much stress. We don't want him in a premature labor. If anything text him, that Desmond is dead and Harry is busy filling out papers to cancel the wedding and his father's death. Just don't stress him."

In France...
Louis was stressed, what if the plan failed. What if Des hurt his baby? Is Harry okay? So many questions and no answers. Lottie had tried to calm him down, but nothing was working.

"Lou. Harry is smart. He'll be okay. Don't worry."

"Don't worry?! How can I not worry when he could die?!" Louis sat down on the couch, taking deep breaths. The last thing he wanted was for him to go into labor while Harry wasn't here. He was almost calmed down when he heard his phone go off. He quickly picked it and answered.


"Hi Lou. How are you?" Niall asked trying to sound calm. He was talking to Harry's lover who could go into labor at any moment. He needed to be calm so Louis could be calm.

"Did it work? How's Harry? Is he ok? Why hasn't he call-" Louis rambled before Niall cut him off.

"The plan worked. Harry is busy canceling the wedding, working on what he had to tell people of his father dying and much more paperwork. Soon you two can rule England together." Niall smiled, even though Louis couldn't see it.

Louis smiles too "Ok. Tell him to call me when he gets the chance, yeah? Oh and tell him I love him for me."

"Will do Lou. I got to go though. Clean up and stuff."

"Yeah yeah. Bye."

"Adios amigo." Louis couldn't help but laugh as he hung up. He felt more calm knowing, well to his knowledge that Desmond was dead, and Harry was okay.

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