Chapter 19

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It had been nearly a month since the accident, and Harry was still in his coma. Louis had been losing hope everyday that Harry would wake up again. He was 5 months pregnant, and he looked like he ate 2 watermelons. His babies were underweight and smaller because of he lack of food Louis had ate in the last month. The last thing he wanted was the only things he had of Harry left to die too.

He had pulled himself away from cutting himself, when he had almost passed out from blood loss, and that that had also affected his kids. He spent most of his time in Harry's hospital room, ever since a man had killed one of Lottie's butlers.

He had heard from Niall that Harry's father had woke up and that he disowned Harry and sent the hitman to kill him. Not making him feel any better than he was already. He spent hours at a time at a ungodly hour in the morning crying his eyes out, until he couldn't shed tears anymore or cried himself back to sleep.

Lottie has been worried for her brother. If he wasn't eating he was overeating. If he wasn't crying he was locked in his room hopefully napping.

Rose's cuts and bruises were long gone, but the sight of her broken leg and arm made Louis run back into room and cry for hours.

That was life now, a piece of shit. Day by day knowing that the father of your kids could die. Knowing that you could have prevented it. Knowing that you can do nothing now, but hope and take care of his kids until he woke up. Life had literally became the meaning in Steven King's movie, Dreamcatcher. Same shit Different Day.

And it was eat, cry, sleep, resist cutting, repeat. Sometimes he would cut himself, giving into the temptation. But everyone knew Louis would never be the same, whether Harry woke up or not.

It had been another 2 months before Harry regained conscious. He looked around the room, seeing Louis, passed out on the couch, his stomach looking like he was going to explode. Harry sighed in relief, when he saw Louis still pregnant. He knew he had been gone for a while, seeing Louis bigger, but knew he could have been out longer. Harry slipped back asleep a few minutes later.

Louis woke up to see what he thought a still coma Harry. He got up and left to get food, starving and craving something spicy. Anything spicy. He had hated spicy foods and know it was all he ate. Cereal?, he added a bit a spice. Anyway he could, he added something spicy to anything, making concoctions of his own spicy desires.

Once Louis was stuffed, he walked back into Harry's room. He let out a gasp when he saw Harry looking blankly at the ceiling. He waddled over to him, and stood beside him, tears rolling down his face.

"Harry?" Louis chokes out before he started to sob, seeing Harry react quickly by him taking Louis's hand.

"It's okay. I'm here now. I'm alive." Was all he could say. He had no idea what all had happened. What Louis had done to himself, anything. Once Louis had stopped crying, Harry took the moment to ask questions.

"How long was I out? How is Rose? Lottie? You? My kids? Anything I don't know about tell me."

"You've been out for 3 months. Making me 7 months pregnant, with Ashton, Caroline and Sophia. And they are doing great. All the right size and healthy and my due date is March 22. Rose is great. Her arm and leg had completely healed last month and Lottie is doing great. I'm doing much better know that I know your awake and I can... I can hear your voice again. Your father woke up, around the time you went out. Kicked out Zayn, disowned you, and hired a hit man to kill me. One of Lottie's butlers died instead. And... I missed you so-so much and I love you so much. And I-I didn't know what to do with my life without you! And it's all my fault you got into the accident! If I-I" Louis was sobbing and Harry couldn't even look at him because of his neck brace.

"Louis. It's not your fault. It's not. It's all the semi drivers fault. Not yours. You had nothing to do with it no matter how you think you did. And those are lovely names babe. I love them. But instead of Sophia, can it be Skylar. I always loved that name. And I don't want our kid to be Sophia the First." Harry grinned when he heard Louis bust out laughing.

"Of course we can. I don't have a middle name for her now.... Alexandra?"

"How about, Meere?"

"I love it Haz." Before they continued the doctor walked in, just as shocked as Louis was when she saw Harry awake. After telling that Harry could leave in a couple days, and said his neck brace would be off soon, along with the others, and gave some prescriptions she walked back out. Leaving to two lovebirds to continue their conversation on their babies names.

Finally, the settled names were Ashton Oliver, Skylar Meere and Caroline Lily. All of them taking Harry's last name. Louis laid in Harry's bed next to him, falling asleep knowing everything is going to get better.

Harry was almost back to him normal self when his birthday came around. He was in therapy for his injuries, getting better everyday.

He had a surprisingly big party, thinking it only be Louis, Lottie, Rose, Maria and him. Zayn, Liam, Niall and surprisingly Damien flew in for his birthday. And Lottie's butler Alfred, who seemed best buds with Louis was there.

Harry had learned from Liam, that their father seems happier, probably thinking the hitman got Louis and that he was miserable.

Although Harry was upset he missed 3 months with Louis and the rest. He was most upset that Louis had beat him at face Uncle. 8-16. Was the final score, and Harry was devastated. But not as much when he found out Louis had cut himself.

During what was going to be an amazing night, Harry noticed cuts on Louis's left wrist. And after a night ruined with crying and Louis telling the full truth so he wouldn't need a therapist, they fell asleep in each other's arms. Louis's big belly in between them.

They had never told Lottie, both knowing it was for her own sake. If she had known that Louis had abused himself right under her nose, she would never forgive herself.

"Haz?" Louis whispered, his eyes focused on the movie they were watching. They were cuddling under there 4 fluffy blankets for the past hour.

"Yes baby?" Harry replied in a whisper.

" I hate to break it to yah." He sat up and turned his gaze from the tv to Harry. "I hate this movie."

"Thank God." Harry stretched his arms before getting the tv remote to look through Netflix. "I was only watching it for you. But I didn't say anything, not wanting to be a dick."

"Wasn't a dick." Louis scoffed turning his gaze to the tv screen. He saw the movie I loved you First. "That one. The I loved you First." Louis cuddled back up with Harry.

"What's it about? I've never heard of it." Hardy said selecting the movie.

"Two boys fall in love and they're in this famous boy band. Their management is a bitch and keeps them apart not wanting any gay band members. And they fight through every shitty obstacle in their way just to be together." Louis quickly said as the movie started.

"Just like us."

"Just like is Haz." Harry kissed Louis's forehead to before putting his attention back on the movie. The movie that could describe their life perfectly.


Omg!! I finally did a double update!

Here's chapter 19. Hope you all enjoy!

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Word Count ~ 1335

Love you all! And stay safe

~ Ryan

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