Chapter 12

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*2 Weeks after the Movies*
Harry's POV.

Louis has been a mood swinging mother. Really his mom side is coming out. I say I love you. He cries. I say I'm leaving to go to a meeting. He gets angry. I come back, and I have to look at my baby who has tear stained cheeks from either missing me or his movie, turn into a cheerful baby. His swings are starting to get on my nerves. But I can't upset him, god knows how he'll react.

We have another ultrasound with Zayn in a week to check on things. Although I did hear a rumor from Maria, that Zayn finally got into Liam.


"Harry. Have you heard? Zayn finally got into Liam."

"You're kidding! How?!" I literally felt my mind explode from shock.

"No one knows. But Zayn hasn't denied nor accepted it. I would have loved to have caught him doing it. I could have teased him."

"I feel you Maria. It would be hilarious."

End of Flashback*

Do I have questions for him to answer next week. I walk down the hallway and into my room. Louis standing there tapping his foot.
"Where have you been." His voice was angry and his eyes filled with tears again. Before I could respond he walked over to me and hugged me. Here we go. I felt my shirt become wet with Louis' tears. I picked him up and sat down on the couch. He straddled my waist, his head in the crook of my neck. As I soothed him, he feel asleep on my lap.

My exhausted baby. He hasn't slept much, with his mood swings and getting up to go use the bathroom. He gets up 5-8 times each night. His pregnancy is finally taking a toll on him. And it's not 2 months yet. I held him tight to me. I felt his steady breath on my neck. I rested my head on his and drifted to sleep.


I woke up to Louis using the bathroom. How did he get out from under me? If I'm that much of a heavy sleeper, shouldn't I block out Louis restroom emergencies. Louis walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later and beamed a smile at me. He let out a yawn and sat down beside me. He rested his head back on my shoulder and fell back asleep a while later. His soft snores filling the room. I let out a sigh pulling the sleepy boy on top of me. I laid down on the couch and turned on the news. The volume was low so it's shouldn't wake Louis.

'Today. King Desmond has announced his remaining time with us is about a month. His son Prince Harry, will be taking the throne. Along side with his fiancée, if he has one.'

I turn off the tv. Fiancée, oh so now you want to propose to someone in less than a month?! What the fuck! No one in their right mind would do that!

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door.
"Shit. Lou wake up." I violently shook him awake.
"Shhh you need to hide now." As we headed to the closet to put him the hidden compartment in my closet my bedroom doors swung open. I put myself in-front of Louis. Hopefully I'm big enough to hide him.

"Harry! You should answer when I knock!" Liam boomed. He looked at me curiously. I was standing by my closet, and if he noticed or not my nerves on the edge. "Harry. What are you doing?"
"Huh. Oh nothing. Just standing here." I felt Louis place his hands on my back which made me calm down a bit. Liam walked over to me, stopping a few feet away, eyeing me suspiciously.
"What's that behind you?" He points his hand to the visible part of a foot behind me.
I let out a sigh " Please don't tell on me Li." I stepped to the side, leaving Louis scared shitless. He quickly runs to the bathroom and throws up and few minutes later.

I let out another sigh as I went over and closed the bathroom door.
"You brought that peasant in from what almost two months ago! What the hell Harry! What if dad finds out! How fucking idiotic can you be!" I felt like I was being yelled at by my father.
"If he? You mean you won't tell?" I blurted out. Liam was responsible, How is he not telling on me?
"No dumbass. I was already told when Zayn and I ha..." he covers his mouth with his hand. "Please don't tell dad. He still thinks I'm straight." Does he not realize he can blackmail me if I told our father. After I reassured Liam that I wouldn't tell our father he left without another word. Louis had hid behind for most of the time, only to leave to pee or throw up.

"Louis, baby how are you feeling."
"To be honest Haz. I feel like shit. My nerves are all over the place. I hate getting up every five minutes to pee. I hate throwing up. I hate having the feeling of being caught by your dad. I hate how I get no sleep and I've been giving this baby unconditional love for the two months I've been pregnant!" Louis huffed as he slumped back on the couch beside me. I placed my ha d on his thigh and moved my thumb in circles. And like magic Louis starts to calm down.
"It's going to be okay Lou. I promise." He positioned himself so he could lay his head on my lap. Louis feel back asleep. His lips slightly parted as he breathed through his mouth. His throats going to hurt in the morning.

I continued to watch my cooking show, and Maria brought me my dinner. The end of my day ended like ones before Louis but with him. I did absolutely nothing, but Louis was their napping. I went to bed, but Louis was there with me, as I held him in my arms. Whether my father liked it or not, my life has been so much happier with Louis. And I intend to keep it that way. No matter what.



So I recently finished reading Catfish. I cried a bit and now have to read Caught tomorrow.

I honestly don't know what to do with this book anymore. I read other people's book and their so much better. Some on their first book and it already has more views, comments and likes. I feel like giving up. I know I'm not a talented writer and I don't label me as that. I just. Idk anymore. I don't know how to put myself out there more for my book to be seen.

I hope you all had a Happy Valentines Day yesterday. I hope you all are living the best life and you all are happy. If your not I'm always here if you ever need to talk.

Dang am I emotional rn.

Don't forget to vote, comment or hare my story with your friends!

Word Count~1053

Love you all!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


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