Chapter 4

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Edited and Rewritten

Harry was the first to wake up from the blinding light from the window. And maybe from a paining ache from his lower region. Louis still slept against his chest, a bit of drool running down his chin. They're legs were intertwined together. Harry's hips flush with Louis's tan thigh. Harry tried not to move himself against Louis thigh.

Key word - tried

He slowly pressed his hips farther into Louis's thigh, cussing under his breath as he continued to hump his thigh. The mental image craved into his mind of how he pictured Louis in his dream. Hands tied above his head in lingerie panties, his tip just showing above the top of the panties.

"Louis." Harry gasped as he went a little harder.

"Mmmm Harry" Louis mumbled back causing Harry to stop his movements.

"No no," Louis mumbled moving up
to flush his semi-hard cock with Harry's, "keep going."

Harry thrusted against Louis, causing both to gasp. He thrusted harder before clambering on top of Louis and thrusting down.

"Mmmm ahh" Louis softly moaned as he thrusted upwards to meet Harry's hips. They were so caught up in each other, they didn't hear someone knock on the door.

"Good morning your hi- OH MY GOD!" Maria screamed covering her eyes with her free hand and almost dropping the breakfast in the other.

"MARIA!" Harry screamed in surprise, covering himself and Louis. "God Maria you scared me and what did I say about knocking?"

"I did I did, you can ask the guard." She stated, not removing her hand from her eyes.

"There was a guard out there?" Louis quietly questioned, looking at Harry who slowly nodded his head.

"Usually two yes." Harry answered back, smiling when he saw Louis's face flush. As the two men stared at each other in silence, Maria spoke up;

"Breakfast?" She nervously asks. Harry's never seen her so nervous unless around his brothers and father. Poor girl, she must be traumatized Harry thought to himself.

"Yes, please Maria." When Maria had yet to remove her hand from her eyes, Harry almost rolled his own at the act. "You're fine Maria."

Maria acted as if she watching a horror movie, splitting open her fingers, so she can see through the cracks. When she saw that the coast was clear, she removed her hand completely.  She gave a wearily smile as if to say 'Sorry, I didn't want to see you two humping each other.' She place the breakfast tray on the foldable table.

"Would you like me to try to sneak some food for him?" Maria whispered to Harry as he situated himself.

"Yes, thank you Maria." Harry smiled as he peaked over at a flushed Louis. She nodded her head obediently and scurried off to the kitchen.

"Hey." Harry whispered into Louis ear. Louis removed the arm covering his eyes, his cheeks getting rosier by the second.

"What?" He murmured back. But he already knew what Harry meant. He knew Louis was still flustered by the fact two guards had stood just outside those brown, mahogany doors, listening to them fuck. And Louis knew, so did Harry, that each time he thought about it, he blushed even more.

"Hey now, they'll be fine. They've probably have heard too many things when outside Damien's doors." Louis giggled, flushing even more. Poor guards, always hearing it but never giving it. Louis giggled at his own thought.

They ate breakfast in comfortable silence. Maria coming in a few minutes after they began to place a dish of food she managed to steal for Louis. Maria was such a sweet heart. She went and dyed her hair with the physicians assistant, Catherine, yesterday night. Her now long red locks flowed freely down her back. Her parents didn't believe in cutting their hair, so you could say she was like Rapunzel.

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