Chapter 10

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For future references, please don't skip chapters. It defeats the purpose of reading. If you skip you could miss something important. Thank you.

Harry's POV.

I woke up to Louis's beautiful face. I'm so glad I remember everything this time. Even if it was just a blow job.

"Morning babe." He mumbled nuzzling his head into me. Awe, a new nickname.

"Morning Boobear." I replied wrapping my arms around him to pull our bodies closer together. He had the softest skin, not to mention he's so warm. We laid there for a while before I sat up to go to the bathroom. I heard whines as I got out of bed. "I'll come back baby." I said softly. I did my business and put on a pair of boxers. So when Maria brought my lunch, I wouldn't be completely naked.
I came back to see my baby still trying to sleep. I got back in and laid beside him, placing soft kisses on his face.

"Stop Hazza. Morning breath." Louis mumbled moving his face away from me. I couldn't help but laugh and hug him close to me. I don't remember, but I woke up again to my bedroom doors opening. In cams Maria and Zayn, caring our breakfasts.

"Morning lovers." Zayn snickered setting down the tray. "I'm here to check on Louis. Make sure everything is in order." I look down at my Louis, still napping.

"He's tired Zayn." I said stretching.

"I figured as much. I wanted to come check last night. But someone, Harry, was moaning his head off." Heat ran to my cheeks. I covered my face with my hands.

"I'm so sorry." I mumbled through my hands. All I can hear is Zayn's laughter. I remove my hands from my face, and give him a glare. "Will you shut up. My baby is trying to sleep!" I shouted at Zayn.

"Babies." Louis yawned. I looked down at his tired face. I smiled at his remark. Babies.

"Yea, babies. Well I got to check on your baby Louis. So come on, get up. I don't have all day." I had totally forgot that Louis was naked and I dashed to the closet to get his some clothes. He was a bit more awake now, so he dressed himself and went with Zayn and I to his office.

Louis signed some papers and so did I.
"Take a seat Louis." Zayn said pointing towards the table. Louis did as he was told and sat down. I stood beside him. Louis followed Zayn's commands and was now shirtless. Zayn rubbed some type of gel on Louis's small forming bump. He giggled and complained that it was cold. I only laughed at his child ness.

Zayn moved the wand over Louis's bump. On the screen in front of us showed our forming... babies?
"Well Harry. You did a great job getting Louis here pregnant. You seem to be having twins." My scoffed at his remark, but I felt embarrassed. Louis never took his eyes off the screen.
"Haz. Look. Ones me and ones you." I couldn't help but giggle.
"Yes I'm sure one will be as short as you." I laughed. He punched me in the arm for my stupidity. "Ow. Sorry."  Zayn gave Louis some meds to keep the baby well and we went back to my bedroom to eat our breakfast.

"Think of it Haz. Two little ones." Louis said rubbing his small unnoticed bump. It was barely there.
"Leaving you twice the size." I laughed. He gave me a glare of anger, piercing my soul. "I'm sorry baby. Your just so cute when you get angry." Louis rolled his eyes and I couldn't help but smile. Maybe I should learn Spanish. Then I could say tres bebès.

(Idk if bebès if right in Spanish. I just looked it up on google translate.)

I cracked myself up. We finished our food and went to go finish the Potter series. He loves this movie so much. I've watched the whole series several times, and when you think about, it's a depressing show. In the beginning, Harry's parents are already dead and he's living with his mean muggle family. He has no idea about his actual life! There's already this evil villain after him. Yes he meets people and friends. But, his teacher Snape dies, his Uncle Sirius, the one who really loved him, Dumbledore and everyone he loved basically. Hermione and Ron almost died several times. DOBBY DIES!!! I love Dobby!! Not to mention he's a horcrux holding part of Voldemort's soul! Just depressing. Harry, I love his name best name I've ever heard.

We were about to watch the Avengers, when a knock came to the door. Louis became wide eyed with fear. I had totally forgot to tell him Lottie had come for a visit, for my father's happiness.

I walked to the door to let her in, Louis hiding. That was our code. Zayn, Niall and Maria don't knock anymore, since we told them not to. So anyone that did knock could be a threat to Louis and me. People who didn't know he was hear.

"Hello Lottie." I said letting her in. "Watermelon." Watermelon was our code word that it was okay to come out. Louis came out of his hiding spot and looked at Lottie, then looked at me, then back at Lottie. She too, was looking back at him. "Um... you guys having a staring contest?" I said sarcastically making them both turn there focus to me.

"I'm guessing this is the 'man I love' you we're talking about. Louis Tomlinson. Correct?" She put quotations around man I love. But it was true. He is the man I love. I nodded my head and looked at Louis, his eyes wide.

Louis's POV.

"I'm guessing this is the 'man I love' you we're talking about. Louis Tomlinson. Correct?" She was sassy. I stood there shocked looking at Harry just nodding his head. He looked at me and noticed I was frozen in place. I don't know what to do?!

"Since you haven't told Louis here about me I'll introduce myself." She walked over to me and held out her hand. "Hi I'm Lottie Tomlinson." Wait Tomlinson?! "I'm the Queen of France and at the moment have great news for you and lover boy over there." Well I'm guessing all Tomlinson's were sassy. Harry scoffed and crossed his arms.
"Don't be a baby Hazza. That should be me." I crossed my arms and pouted, copying Harry's moves. He rolled his eyes, but a smile formed on his face. How cute.

We sat down and Lottie handed Harry a piece of paper.
"Read it aloud. I found this my mom wrote this." The letter wrote;

December 18, 1992

Dear Rose,

Please do me a favor. I know you were banned from the country because of my husband but please listen. My son Louis is in danger. He's almost a year old, turning the 24. My husband is going to kill him. He's been looking all over for my baby Lewis.

Please come and get him from me. Please! I'll send money for you to get here and everything along with this letter. He means everything to me. Don't ever tell him of his life here. I don't want him to have anything to do with royalty. Please help your sister and nephew. Do it for him.

I felt tears run down my cheeks. Harry read an entire letter of me. How could it not be?! My birthday, name and Rose was the name of the woman who raised me! Harry wrapped his arms around me.
"So, she clearly made a copy of this. Since I found it in the attic. Secondly, this proves our questions to be true. Harry. Louis as for you and I. We are brother and sister and since you are older than me.... the throne is yours to take when you're ready. And don't worry, I'm gay, so I won't catch feelings for Harry." I jolted my head up. This is too much. I don't know anything about royalty. But at least I have Harry and my long lost now found sister to help me.


Hi everyone!

I hope you like chapter 10!
I can't believe it's been that many.

Elixir by queenoftears_ is a must read! It's an amazing book!

Don't forget to vote and comment!
I truly don't care for the votes, but I would be so happy if I got feedback of what you think!

Word count ~ 1353

Love you all! 💙💚

~ Ryan

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