Chapter 14

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Louis's POV

"Harry move out of the way!"

"I'm not moving."

I was absolutely horrified. I had ruined Harry's future and it was all my fault.

"What." Harry's dad hand his hands in fists by his sides.

"I'm not moving." Harry still had me placed on his backside. His arm wrapped around me. Harry's father looked like he could throw something at his son, hoping to kill him.

"Why." Before Harry even thought of what he was going to say, he blurted out the worst excuse.

"He's pregnant with my baby." Couldn't he have just said I love him. No, telling your dad you knocked up a 'piece of shit' was the best way to handle this. All of the sudden I heard a loud thump. I looked to see Harry's dad lying on the ground. Harry didn't seem to care. He quickly turned around to face me.
"Are you okay baby? Is our baby okay?"

"I'm okay Haz, and so are they." Harry's eyes widened.

"How many?"


"Three?" Harry was in total shock. I'm not sure what he was thinking. "We're having triplets!" Harry started jumping up and down in excitement.

"Harry. Yes we are. And are you pregnant too? You're having mood swings." I couldn't help but laugh. Harry stopped and made a pouty face. Before he could reply Liam and Damien came into the room from outside.

"I won't say a thing to you Harry. But could you at least go get Zayn." Liam's father side was showing as he commanded Harry around and how he always found something he's doing wrong.

"I don't think that will work. Your dad fired him. And Maria." Liam's eyes went wide and left to find Zayn. Damien on the other hand stared me down.

"Harry who the hell is this?" Yup he's just like his father, an asshole. Harry looked to me and back at Damien. Completely lost on what to do. I mean really? How was this kid going to rule an entire kingdom. If he even was allowed to now.

"My boyfriend." I said taking a hold of Harry's hand. I smiled down at our intertwined hands. Damien's face was in disgust.

"You're going to lose your throne for this... I don't even know what that is!" My heart sunk a little. He's treating me like an object, not a person. The only thing that didn't leave me hurt as much was that he had terrible comebacks.

"Listen here you little shit!" Harry let go of my hand and stood in front of Damien. Damien was short. Really short. Harry was 6 feet and looked like a giant hovering above his brother. I might actually be... no I am taller than him. I watched Damien coward in fear of my 6 feet boyfriend in front of him. Sure enough, Damien made his way back outside before giving me a nasty glare.

"Are you okay Loubear? Did he hurt you?"

"Harry, he didn't touch me. I'm okay." I was mentally hurt just a bit, not physically.

"No not physically. Mentally." I stood there as if he had read my mind. He looked at me with Worry in his beautiful green eyes. I lost my train of thought, when I looked into them.

"If I told you, that I get so lost inside your eyes. Would you believe it?" I had not clue what I was talking about. But I was quickly taken out of my world when Harry picked me up.

"Harry! Put me down! What are you doing!?"

"You need a nap. You are obviously not in your right mind."

"I only have one mind Harry. Not a left and right one." Harry rolled his eyes and continued to carry me to his bedroom. That was, until he walked passed it.

" Uh. You missed your room."

"We have to make my dad think we left. So we'll stay in this dreaded place until I can take us someplace safe." As we made it in the room, royal red carpet and curtains filled the room. Well more like the floor and the one large window. I could fit 6 me's in it. It had gray furniture in front of the large screen tv. Finally it had a king size bed with very fluffy covers.

"OMG Harry put me down on that bed. I'm gonna marry that fluffy cover." I demanded.

"You can't marry the cover Lou." Harry was laughing as he put me down on the bed. I picked up the cover and took it off the bed. I bnplaced it over a lamp stand and placed it in front of the window with me facing it.

"Watch me." I pretended to be the groom and the priest. Harry was clenching his stomach from laughing so hard. I wrapped my arms around the cover blanket and kissed it. I tried to hum the beat of the wedding music but failed when it ended up being funeral music. They sound a lot alike. Harry at this point, was down on the floor laughing.

"Am I that good of a comedian." A grin formed on my face as Harry was gasping for breath.

"I'm... better." He breathed. He sat up and sat down on the bed. I sat down beside him.

"Prove it."

"Ok. Knock knock."

"A knock knock joke really."

"Yes. Now knock knock."

"Whose there."


"Lettuce who."

"Lettuce in. And you'll find out." Harry fell back laughing. It was barely that funny.

"Haz, that wasn't even funny."

"Ok ok. Let me try again. Knock knock." Seriously another knock knock joke.

"Whose there."

"A cow goes..."

"A cow goes who."

"No, a cow goes moo." Ok that one was pretty decent. I tilted my head back and laughed just to make him happy and cause it was kind of funny. A huge smile covered his face and he pulled me into a big hug.

"See! I knew I was great at jokes." He hugged my harder. Now, my turn.

"Ow ow Haz the babies!" He let go of me and his eyes grew wide. Like he had just seen a ghost.

"OMG! I'm so sorry Lou! Are you okay! Are they- What are you laughing at?" I couldn't help but laugh. I'm just hilarious.

"Hazza, your reaction was priceless! You should have seen your- Ow! Haz that actually hurt!" He had hit me upside the head, which I kind of deserved, I did just scare the shit out of him. But it was worth it.

"I'm sorry Hazza." I looked to see him pouting like a baby. "Looks like I'll have four babies to take care of." Harry let out a laugh, but quickly went back to pouting. I placed my head on his shoulder. I was there for a while until he unfolded his arms and wrapped an arm around me. 

"I love you Loubear. Even if you do have over exaggerated mood swings."

"I love you too Hazza. Even if you think you're funnier than me."

Hi Everyone!

I know last chapter, I said I was double updating and I didn't. I'm very sorry. I will one day though.

One day....

Anyways here's Chapter 14! I hope you love it.

I love Harry's joke. So I wanted to add some.

Word Count ~ 1170

I hope you are all doing well.

Love you all ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


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