Chapter 15

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There will be a smut scene this chapter.
                   *3 Months Pregnant*

Harry's POV

"Harry, your dad is alive. Whether you like it or not. But he'll be unconscious for another month." Zayn gave me news a few days after the incident that he had a heart attack and might not be alive. And now he is... great.🙄 I could see Liam, becoming aware of the angry awkward tension in the room, so he decided to get rid of it.

"Harry, you want to go out to eat. Zayn's wants one of those double date things." Zayn blushed at Liam's request. He couldn't do it, he was nervous. Like last time.


We went out to dinner, a few days after Zayn gave us the news on that my dad might not live. Zayn loves how there are two illegal gay relationships, but wants to show of Liam.

We went out to Depp and Jack's Restaurant. We ordered our food and drinks and it was going perfectly normal. Until it wasn't. I made sure it didn't.

We had our food and Louis was being an annoying pregnant baby.

"I can't eat this! It's too hot!"

"Well Louis. I eat you and your hot." Everyone was staring at me with wide eyes as I sat there with a smirk on my face. Not too long after. Liam slammed his fork and knife down on the table.

"For fucks sake Harry! Can't we just have a normal dinner!" Now everyone in the restaurant was looking at us. We were kicked out a few minutes later, and I ended up paying. Only bad thing that happened during that dinner

*End of Flashback

"Yeah sure! Hazza would love too! Won't you Haz."

"Yes Loubear of course." Louis has been very optimistic lately.

As Zayn and Liam left to get ready, Lou sat down on the couch and covered up with the fluffy red blanket. I walked up behind him and put my hands in his hair massaging his head.

"Mmm... Hazza that feels good. But shouldn't you be getting ready?"

"Shouldn't you be getting ready too?" I chuckled. He tilted his head back and poured his face.

"But I don't wanna go. You got us kicked out last time remember." He crossed his arms and looked at me. I swear, his mood swings are gonna kill me.

"Come on Lou. It'll be fun. I promise I'll behave this time. Plus you were the one that wanted to go."

" 'M fine." I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you baby." I went to go get ready, Louis getting up to do the same a few minutes after. After 10 minutes, I walked out of the guest room, Louis's hand in mine and walked to meet Zayn and Liam who were waiting on us.

"Finally! If we waited any longer, your dad would be conscious again." Liam rolled his eyes at Zayn's sarcastic statement.

"Zee, didn't we agree not to talk about my dad." Liam said through his teeth. Liam has  more hate to our father than he did before. I'm not sure if it's because he loves me, or because of his forming relationship with Zayn.... there's a 99.9% chance it's because of Zayn. Liam's like Lysol wipes. 99.9% percent of himself is devoted to Zayn, while, that 00.1% is dedicated to the rest of the people in the human race.

I mean, there could be fallen angels among us. Like Louis, he's a fallen angel. How is he not? He's beautiful, with ocean blue eyes, his feminine body. Angels are usually females right? Anyways, his flowing brown hair and his big-

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