Chapter 11

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~A week after meeting Lottie~

Louis's POV

Okay, Lottie is an awesome person, and I like the feeling of being royalty. But what you need to know is absolutely useless. What utensil to use for a salad and which for meat. Why does that matter? Why does it matter how I bow? This is so stupid?! And I've been learning this stupidity for a week?! I mean spending time in the castles library is nice for a change and Zayn or Harry, I'd rather have Harry, teaching me and making sure I'm doing stuff right.

I'm now a month pregnant and Harry is more excited than I am. It's like he's the one pregnant. I rolled my eyes at the thought and went back to reading my book about what and what not to do.

I felt hands grab my waist
"Hey baby boo. How are you?" I jumped out of my chair and turn to see Harry laughing. Laughing! "You're a bit jumpy today." He teased.
"Harry! What the fuck! You scared the shot out of me!" I yelled filling the library. He was taken a back by my response, before teasing me again.
"Those pregnancy hormones finally getting to you." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. So maybe he did have a point for once. I've been craving the oddest things this past week, so it could be.

Harry wrapped his arms around me.
"Don't be mad at me baby. I didn't mean to be rude." I finally wrapped my arms around him, accepting his apology. As he stepped back, I saw a smile across his face.
"What are you smiling for."
"I wanted to take you out tonight. Since your officially a month pregnant with mini me. Like maybe to the movies." I smiled.
"That sounds great Hazza. But I hope the baby is not a mini you. I can't handle two." His jaw dropped at my remark. He crossed his arms and gave me a look of 'I'm not that bad.' I felt a grin pull at my lips. I love his reactions. "I'm kidding baby. I then would have two pretty faces to look at." He lost his pouty face and gleamed a smile.

He took my hand,
"Come on. I want to go now so I can get all of what I have in mind in." All? Before I could responsed he was dragging me out of the library and to his room. We had to be careful to make sure we were not caught by his brothers and father, or anyone who didn't know I was here.


"Harry! Please tell me where we are going." I pleaded.
"Lou, we are almost there. Just calm down." I slumped in my seat and crossed my arms.
"Yeah right." I scoffed and looked out the window. And what do I see. A cinema. Mister Styles was right again as usual. My angry mood quickly turned to an excited child.
"Omg Harry the movies! That's so cute!" I wrapped my arms around as he tried to park the car. After slowly driving into a parking spot, we entered the cinema.

I couldn't hold Harry's hand because of the stupid no gay people rule. Stupid rule. It's so dumb to keep people's happiness hidden! My eyes looked up at the movie and there showing times. Then to the food.
"Haz. Can I have your credit card."
"I'm just going to get the food." Harry looked at me suspiciously before handing me his card. I turned around to get the food. As I had said.
"Hi how may I help you." He woman as I eyeballed the food.
"Um two large popcorns. Extra buttery. Two cherry and blue raspberry icees. And the candy I choose." She nodded her head and went to work getting the popcorn and drinks. I however came back to wait on her with a mountain of candy. Enough to fill a grocery bag. She eyeballed me before adding up my total, paying with Harry's credit card.

I walked back to Harry, who was almost in the front of the line.
"Ready Haz." I said skipping towards him, my arms filled with food. Harry's eyes widened at all the food.
"Craving? I'm assuming." I simply nodded. Harry, since he was king, had as whole show rented out for me and him. He's so sweet. We walked into our movie Fallen. A movie where an angel falls from heaven, because he feel in love with a human. Being the same age for centuries as his love dies every time they kiss. He's seen her die so many times, and they meet every 17 years. (This is a real movie that came out in 2016. Fallen. I love this movie and I recommend watching it if you haven't.)

Harry and I are balling our eyes out. The sadness this movie contains is unbearable to human kind. As I shove popcorn in my mouth sobbing, I feel Harry's head fall on my shoulder. I turn to see his tear-stained cheeks from crying. We had another 30 minutes of the movie left, and he was out cold. It's only a 2 hour and 20 minute movie! Sighing I life up the arm rest between us. Four empty Icee bottles scatter the floor along with empty bags of candy and a popcorn box. I carefully sit the rest of the food to the floor making sure I wouldn't hit it with my feet.

I lay Harry's body down on three chairs. He's a heavy sleeper, that's for sure. Still sleeping peacefully, I lay down on top of him. My ear placed to his chest hearing his heartbeat and steady breathing as his chest moves up and down. He puts an arm over me.
"I'm sorry I woke you Hazza." I said playing with one of his curls.
"It's okay baby." Harry kissed my nose before falling back asleep. I follow shortly after, listening to his heartbeat of the most beautiful baby. My baby.


"Anyone in here!?" A loud voice boomed shooting my head up in fright. My eyes turn to a man holding a flashlight. "You there boy! Are you okay."
"I-I'm okay. What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes. I look down a Harry. Mouthing the words, Move. I move down to his legs. Harry sits up and the guard jumps a bit, from the person who came out of nowhere. He looks at me and back to Harry. He smiles.
"Well well. You love birds have been hear since 3 P.M. it's now 9 P.M. you guys must have been worn out." Harry's whips his head around to look at the guard. He apologizes and looks at me to do the same.
"We're very sorry sir." I said. I got off of Harry, and picked up our uneaten food, as Harry grabs the trash. After apologizing again, the guard shrugs it off.
"At least you weren't here all night." He chuckled and followed us out.

We said out goodbyes and headed to the car. Harry places his head in the steering wheel.
"You okay baby?" I asked rubbing his back. He let out a sigh.
"I had so much planned today and today is well over." He sits up and looks at me water filling his eyes. "I'm so sorry Lou. Today was to be special."
"It was Harry. I was never to go to the movies today. I cried with you. And slept with you in a cinema. That doesn't happen everyday Hazza. We can always do things another time.
"I guess you're right." He places a soft kiss on my forehead, before driving us to the castle. His home, but it's not my home though, Harry's my home, and as long as he's with me I'll be okay.


Hi Everybody!

How are you?

Here's Chapter 11 at 2:40 in the morning. I hope you like it!

I do recommend Fallen. I love the movie. I watched it at 3 in the morning one day, and balled my eyes out. It's a Romance/Drama. But I totally recommend it.

Do vote and/or comment

Lots of Love ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


~ Word Count ~ 1307

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