Chapter 17

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Harry's POV.

"Baby, We're meeting with Lottie today. Hopefully we can move into her castle at the moment. I want to get out of this hell home before my father wakes up."

"Ok. Hazza. But we are having it in here." Louis  was covered with all four blankets, but he loves the blue one the best. Matches his eyes.

I was getting things ready when Maria brought Lottie into our room. Maria was talking while Lottie laughed.

"Hey, my long lost sister from another mister." Louis laughed at himself, finding himself hilarious.

"We have the same dad." Lottie rolled her eyes as she sat down beside her brother. I sat beside her brother a few seconds later. Maria has left but not after giving Lottie a hug. Bit odd if you ask me, but Maria is a bit of a hugger.

"Harry, as per your request, I've decided you and Lou can stay on a few conditions. You leave with me tomorrow or after tomorrow. Second, bring your own maid or butler. We are running low on them. Finally, bring your own things, I'm only giving you a place to live and food. Plus other things, washing machine, bathroom. Yeah. Deal?" I didn't think much about it, so I agreed. We would leave tomorrow, just so I can get out of here faster. And I'll take Maria, since she was fired the day my father found Louis.

Although she was fired, she's been my maid, Well a sister figure since my father hired her at a young age. She will be killed if father finds her here still when he come out of his coma. And she has always wanted to see France. And Paris. Talks about it all the time.
                         *Next Morning*

After hours of packing, Lou, Maria and I were ready to go. Maria was the most excited out of all three of us. She was finally going to France. I walked hand in hand with Lou, while Maria ran along with her suitcase to my limo. Lottie was already waiting for us in the back. We put our bags in the trunk and left.

As Lottie and Maria laughed together, I watched tv while Louis feel asleep on my shoulder. He didn't sleep much last night. But, once we made it to the airport, I had to wake Lou up.

"Lou, baby, it's time to get up. We're here."

"Harrrryyyy! Noooo. I want to nap."

"Come on Lou." I picked him up, and for being pregnant with three, he wasn't too heavy. Yet. Lou wrapped his arms around my neck as I held him in my arms.

"Maria can you-"

"Of course Harry I'll get yours and Lou's bags." She and the limo driver collected our bags and walked with us into the airport. Once our bigger bags were taken to be put into the Lottie's plane, we bid my driver farewell and got in line for security scanning. When it was our turn, I put Louis down, and walked through the scanner.

It went off, since I didn't take off my watch. So it took a bit longer. Once we were all through, I picked up my tired Louis again and went to be identified. We gave the man our passports. We boarded Lottie's private plane a few minutes later.

It sucks how we still have to go through all of security even if going on a private flight. Louis woke up about half way threw the flight.

"Look who finally woke up." Louis looked at me and gave me a glare.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Next time I won't let you fuck me. How's that?" He crossed his arms and looked out the airplane window.

"You know you won't survive Lou. You'll get sex deprived." I laughed as Louis rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." He continued to look out at the clouds before he spoke again "I'm hungry Harry."

"So we are back at first name basis. O-kay Louis." I laughed as I waved for the women to come with the food tray. Louis took bags of chips and pretzels and 2 bottles of waters. He downed one a few minutes later. Pregnancy makes him very thirsty.

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