Chapter 5

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The castle was a good 10 miles from
the biggest mall in England. Although it's the largest mall, no one knows why the owner named it the Birdlife Mall. It made no sense to anyone who's shopped there.

Louis has walked into the mall many times, just to see what he would buy if he had the money. Or if anyone would hire him, though that never happened so he just looked around. Louis would've to have bought something on his own, but Harry had plenty of money, he was the prince after all. Plus, if they were to be in a relationship, he might as well get used to having Harry spoil him. Harry seems like the spoiling type.

Harry had told Louis to pick the first store they would go to first. Harry would go anywhere Louis went. Louis told Harry that Capricorn Ocean was a great store. He remembers staring at the new Adidas clothing and shoes all the time and now, he gets to buy them. . . with Harry's money of course.

"You sure this is a good shop?" Harry asked as they walked in. He's never gone out of the castle to buy his clothes, they were right on Amazon.

"Yeah! I-"

"I know I know, you love this shop." Harry walked over to the rack of hoodies and starting searching, while Louis went over to the shoes. This store was the only store that sold vans. Vans that Louis really really liked of course, almost every store sold vans. But these vans, these vans just hit different.

"Louis, come look at what I picked out!" Harry yelled from across the store. Louis thought they were supposed to keep a low profile. He shrug however, there wasn't a lot of people in Capricorn Ocean. He didn't have a hard time finding Harry, the klutz was dropping clothes here and there as he walked down the aisle. All Louis had to do was follow the sound of hangers hitting the floor.

"Here let me help." Louis offered, taking half of the stack. "Harry I don't need this much!" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Some you might not even like, some might not fit. Just go try them on. Please? For me?" He looked at Louis, no one has yet, other than his father, to say no to his puppy eyes. So, with a eye roll, Louis let Harry lead the way to a changing room.

"Guard the door?" Louis asked, dropping the pile of clothes on the bench.

"You know it locks right?" Harry raised his brow. Louis stood there, blushed cheeks, embarrassed because no, he didn't know that.

"Just watch the door." He muttered, officially hating Harry's smug grin.

Louis feels like a girl, literally. There's so many clothes, he doesn't even know where to start. The hoodies, or the t shirts? The sweatpants or the skirts? Wait what? Louis pulls out the short white skirt.

"Jesus Christ," Louis whispered "what the hell is Harry thinking? Half of my ass is gonna hang out of this!" Louis hung the skirt and searched through the pile to see how much girly clothes Harry hid. Sure enough, crop tops, skirts, and panties. Louis sat on the bench with a sigh. Did Harry think he'd like them? Or does Harry like the idea of Louis in feminine clothes? It be rude not to try on a piece, for Harry's sake at least.

Louis put on a frilly baby blue skirt and a whit crop top with black stripes. It was very comfortable, the softness of the clothes. It was really revealing however, Louis would never allow himself to wear something like this in public. As he assumed half his ass hung out, showing his briefs, and then his abdomen was on show. If he were to wear this, he'd have to shave everything, legs, arms, stomach.

"Louis?" Harry asked opening the door. Louis should've had him come in by now to see what he thought. At least, he thought Louis would ask his opinion.

"Close it! Close it now!" Louis cried hiding from anyone else outside the door. Harry whipped around, closing the door.

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