Chapter 36

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The next morning, I awoke to my best friend staring at me. I squealed and nearly feel off the bed. "What are you doing Gabby?!" I gasped, holding my hand over my chest. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm keeping you young. You should thank me. I wanted to come over yesterday, but your mom said you needed rest."

"She wasn't wrong." I said playfully, making Gabby launch a pillow at me. "Hey!"

"Come on, we've got to get going."

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"You're only here for two weeks." She pouted at me. "I have a bucket list of things we've got to do." She said.

I gave her a look. "I've lived here for 18 years. What is here that we haven't done?" I asked.

Gabby raised her eyebrows at me. "You sound like you have other plans."

I blushed a bit. "Well now that you bring it up...." I mumbled in a quiet voice.

"I know that tone, Elliana Davidson." She smirked. "Oh yes."

I sighed. "Fine, I'm...seeing someone!"

Three. Two. One.

"I KNEW IT!" I covered my ears. "I knew you were seeing someone! I only said-"

"A hundred times." I finished, remembering our phone calls.

She stopped and sat down on my bed. "Wait what?" She gave me a strange look. "So you're gonna Facetime her or something? Can't you do that at night? We could still go out."

I blushed. "Well not exactly." Gabby looked at me in confusion now. I sighed. "Fine, she's coming to meet mom."

"She's here? In New York? You didn't say she was coming with you!"

"No, erm, she had her own business here." I explained. "I didn't actually know she was coming. She flew in last night. She had to deal with some family business first, but now she's free to come meet me. I suggested we just go back together when term starts."

"Cool! So her family is here too?" Gabby gave me a look of interest.

"Yeah, extended family, I hear." I tried my best to change the subject just because I didn't want to lie more if I could avoid it.

"So when's she coming?"

Whenever I tell her to through our mental connection.

I blushed. "When I call her, and please - don't say anything embarrassing..." I groaned.

Gabby smirked. "I'll consider it. Anyways, does your mom know?"

I shook my head. "Not yet. I was going to tell her this morning but you woke me up."

"Is it my fault that you sleep like the dead?"

I sighed. "Wait here." I got up and went to the bathroom to get dressed and freshen up before coming out. I was wearing a simple dress with leggings under. I also put on a cardigan since it was freezing in NYC right now.

Gabby leapt up from my bed once I came out. "Let's go tell your mom."

I raised my eyebrows at her. "Is my nervousness making you excited?"

She gave me a grin. "No, but that's a good guess. Let's go."

Gabby had to practically drag me downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen scrambling some eggs. She turned to smile at us. "Hey honey, what was that scream upstairs?"

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