Chapter 42

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A week later, I was back at home. I was definitely nervous even though I was in my own house. My only consolation was that I also knew that Demi's siblings were staying close to me. They were keeping out of sight, but I knew that they would be around if anything were to happen.

Demi had taken a picture of the mark and sent it to Erik. He had gone silent for a bit before responding that it was definitely dark magic and that we should be wary. Demi had barely let me out of sight as well. Either she or Lana was with me at all times, even when I returned to my classes.

Angie randomly came into my room after I came home one day. I was grateful as well that she had calmed down a lot around Demi. "Hey Elli, have you seen your sister?"

I shook my head as I glanced up from my phone to look at her. "She's probably in the bathroom or something. Did you just get here?" Angie hung around here a lot and had her own key to the place because of that.

"Yeah, I was supposed to meet her here."

"Want me to go take a look?" I offered.

She laughed. "Nah, I'll wait a bit longer. You're probably right. I didn't think to check the bathrooms. I just looked in her room and the kitchen." I nodded. Those were the two places that my sister were usually at. "Anyways, I'll catch you around." She reached over and patted my arm.

I all but froze. The strangest sensation went through my body. It was almost like ice was in my veins for a moment. I quickly regained my senses and tried to reason with myself that I had probably just imagined it. Angie hadn't done anything weird just then and she had touched my arm plenty of times before.

My head snapped to the side as I heard a thump on the floor next to my window. I relaxed when I saw my mate standing there. "Jesus Demi, you scared me." I sighed, rubbing my forehead.

She walked over to me with an expression of concern. "Are you okay, my sweet girl? You look a bit pale."

"Yeah.." I sighed. "I just...I was talking to Angie just now and got the weirdest feeling when she touched my arm."

Demi frowned. "Your sister's friend? She was in your room? Why?"

"She was just looking for Adri." I gestured her to take a seat on the bed. "She left right after I said that she might be in the bathroom."

Demi's eyes narrowed a bit. "I don't like that girl."

I couldn't hide a small smile. "That wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you think she likes me, would it?"

"Oh, I know she likes you, but you're mine." Demi snarled coldly.

I bit my lip. "Only yours." Demi's gaze softened immediately and she pulled me into her.

"I'm sorry I've been so busy all week."

I smiled at her. "Hey, I know you've been busy with the others and trying to track whoever this is down. I'm fine. I know you have Lana watching me." I played with her hand in my lap. "Can you stay the night?"

Demi sighed. "I have to leave again soon, but I really wanted to come see you first." My face fell slightly at this and Demi hurried to explain. "Erik is in town. I'm going to meet him. He probably has some answers." Demi reached to trace the mark on my side gingerly. "My first priority right now is to get this off of your beautiful skin. Then, maybe the coven would lose whatever leverage this gave them."

I nodded in understanding. "That's alright. Lana will be with me, right?"

"Yeah. I told her to stay out of sight, but she's there if you need." I nodded gratefully. I knew my sister would question it if I kept inviting people around her age over for sleepovers.

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