Chapter 30

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Hey everyone, before we begin this chapter, I just want to say thank you. This story is at 97k reads. I originally only wrote it as an AU spinoff of my other book: Princess and the Vampire, but it's gotten so popular. I know I originally hoped to update biweekly for all my stories and updates have not always been consistent on my other stories (my health is really bad currently and I work and go to school full time) but always are for this one because I know you all enjoy it a lot. So once again, thank you. I believe we will hit 100k this week💙.



It had been about a day since I had told Demi the truth about what had happened to me as a child. I could tell that she was observing me worriedly when she thought I was a bit out of it. In reality, I really was fine, and that was the truth. I supposed that the memory loss after the event had been a blessing in disguise. Sometimes I did wonder about what had happened, but I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind, convincing myself that I didn't want to know.

"You okay, baby girl?"

I blinked and turned my head to look at her. "What?"

She sighed worriedly. "I asked if you were okay." She said as she pulled up to the campus southwest parking lot. "You've been spacing out a lot." I shook my head and didn't respond. She placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "I'm here for you, you know that?"

I hesitantly nodded. Demi shut off the engine and got out of the car before walking over to open my door for me. This had become a habit for us. I slowly got out of the car. "Thanks for driving me." I said quietly and turned to leave.

Demi gently grabbed my arm, making me turn back around. Before I could say anything, she leaned in and kissed me. My lips molded against hers upon instinct and my heart raced. Her hands rested on my waist gently.

I didn't want to pull away, but I eventually did. Demi placed one last kiss on my forehead before getting into the car. "Stay safe, alright?" I nodded and waved at her as she drove off.

The next thing I knew, I heard an ear-splitting shriek. "O.M.G.!!!" I turned and groaned loudly when I saw the girl in charge of the "what's new?" section, otherwise known as the gossip section, of our student blog, Alina Jane Peterson.

"Elliana Davidson! You're dating an older girl?" My jaw dropped and I paled a bit as I could see a small crowd gathering. I didn't even want to bother asking how she knew my name. I was used to it by now, having Adri as my sister.

Alina could clearly sense that I was panicking and began to backtrack a bit. "There's nothing wrong if you are, but who was that?"

I was still in too much shock to respond. Being Alina, she didn't notice and pulled out a notepad. "So how did you two meet? She looks older. O.M.G. She was dropping you off, so does that mean she's already graduated? Is she older than your sister?"

Alina began to scribble frantically at her notepad. Some of the students looked just as interested as she did and others looked at me with pity for being the subject of Alina's attention. I began to tremble anxiously from her questions, none of which she actually gave me time to answer before jumping to some ridiculous conclusion. My eyes looked around uncomfortably for a way to escape the situation.

"Hey!" My head snapped upwards at the source of the sound to see Lana approaching me. "Leave her alone, Peterson! 

Alina looked offended. "I was just asking Elliana some questions. Who are you anyways?"

Lana came over and pulled me behind her. "A friend. That's all you need to know. And it didn't look like you were just "asking questions", as you claim. Her personal life is none of your business. No one cares about your stupid gossip blog."

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