Chapter 4

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When we arrived home I robotically made my way onto the couch and curled myself into a ball. Angie and Adri were silent as they brought the groceries in.

Moments later, I heard footsteps approach me. "Should I call dad?" I shook my head.

"I'll be fine."

"Okay, get ready to go then."

I raised my head and stared at my sister in shock. "What? Where?"

"The club?" Adri stated as if it was obvious.

"Seriously? After what just happened?!" I said incredulously.

"Yes. Especially after what happened." She sat down next to me. "Elli, I'm not trying to be insensitive, trust me, but I think it might be a good idea for you to drink a little tonight. Get what happened out of your mind."

"I don't drink to deal with my problems." I looked at my sister incredulously. It was times like this where I definitely did not understand her at all.

"It's not a problem." She sighed in exasperation. "Look. I'm not trying to say that you should deal with problems by getting drunk but after what's happened today, I'm worried that you'll go into shock. But if you really don't want to go, then we won't."


Five minutes later, we were getting into the car. I told Adri that I wasn't going to drink, but I'd go with them. I really just did not want to be alone in the house right now.

"Elli, do you want to take my car or Angie's?"

I frowned in confusion. "Why are you asking me?"

"Because you're driving. Back at least, cause Angie and I plan on drinking and I know you don't."

"I'll take yours. I'd feel bad if I accidentally hurt Angie's car." I smirked, feeling some of my humour come back to me. Adri stuck her tongue out at me, making Angie roll her eyes. "You can drive there."

She nodded and we all got into her car. We drove to the club which was in a pretty crowded area downtown. "Why's the traffic so bad?" My sister wondered out loud.

"Everyone wants to get in the new club!" Angie squealed. "Must mean it's as amazing as the rumours say."

"What rumours?"

"Oh, I heard that there are real disco lights, weekly themes, VIP lounges, the sort." She listed.

"Okay, finally parked." Adri sighed. "Let's get out." She stared in my direction. "I'm begging you. Take that cardigan off."

I rolled my eyes and complied before stepping out of the car. Angie hooked her elbow around mine. "Adriana!" I glanced up as three guys around my sister's age approached us.

"Josh! Andre! Cayden!" Adri squealed and gave each of them a hug. Angie did the same. "Meet my little sister, Elli. She'll be staying with dad and I now." She gestured at me lazily.

I waved at them shyly. Andre and Cayden grinned while Josh gave my sister an uneasy glance. "I know she's 18, but she looks fifteen.  You sure it's a good idea to let her come?" Then he turned to me. "You don't seem like the party type, no offence..."

"None taken. I was dragged here." I smiled sweetly at my sister.

Josh laughed nervously. "You sure about this, Dri?"

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