Chapter 22

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When I woke up again, I could see the sun had just risen over the horizon and was filling the room with a dim light. I blinked sleepily and realized that I was tucked tightly into Demi's embrace. A warm feeling came over me when I realized that she had stayed this time.

Shifting around slightly, I realized that the pacifier was in my mouth again, but this time, I didn't spit it out. I gingerly raised my fingers to my mouth, removed it, and examined it. The blue sparkled as I stroked it. Suddenly, my stomach let out a growl, and I realized that I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday.

Well she offered you food last night but someone was being stubborn.

I ignored that thought and reached over to place the pacifier down. Demi stirred, but didn't open her eyes. I tried to move her arm so I could go to the washroom, but it was wrapped around my waist in a death grip. "Let go..." I whined softly. She didn't respond but for some reason, I knew that she had heard me. "Demi, I have to use the washroom..."

Still no response. I growled in annoyance and her reaction was to squeeze me tighter. She was definitely having fun watching me struggle. I sighed. "If you don't let me go I'm going to wet the bed."

"Do that, and I'll put you in a diaper," was the snippy remark that I received.

"Well then what do you want me to do?" My voice rose an octave as I whined. No response. I sighed in resignation. "Momma, please let me go." I whispered, blushing hard.

My jaw dropped as I was released almost instantly. "Was it so hard to use your manners, sweetheart?" She replied pleasantly, opening one eye to look at me. I growled in response, only to feel her palm make contact with my butt harshly. I yelped and quickly hurried to the bathroom before she could do anything else.

After I was finished with my business, I brushed my teeth and washed my face before going downstairs to the kitchen. My stomach growled again as I rummaged through the fridge to look for something that would require minimal preparation. I noticed that my dad had left some leftover lasagna in there from last night and heated it up.

When it was done heating, I quickly ate it and loaded the dirty dishes into the dishwasher before turning back around to go upstairs, only to realize that Demi had been standing behind me silently for God knows how long. "Oh holy sh-"

Her expression made me cut myself off and clear my throat quietly. "Would you like some lasagna?"

"I thought you needed to use the bathroom."

"I-I did." I tried to explain. "I j-just, I was hungry and I didn't eat last night..."

Her expression softened at this. "I could've made you something." I relaxed at the gentleness of her tone. Although I definitely was no longer afraid of her, she intimidated me sometimes. She placed a hand on my lower back and began to guide me towards the stairs. "C'mon sweet girl, it's still really early and little girls need rest."

I yawned softly and turned to walk back to my room. I let out a startled squeal when Demi lifted me off of my feet. She held me tightly to her chest as she began to walk towards the stairs. "Wanna see something cool?" She has a mischievous grin on her face.

"What?" I asked. There was a rush of air. I blinked. We were at the top of the stairs. "Woah..."

She giggled and kissed my forehead softly. I curled up against her chest as she entered my room and laid me on the bed before walking back to lock the door. I blinked in confusion. It was as if the moment she placed me down on my bed, I was no longer sleepy. I giggled to myself. "Come on baby, back to bed." I shook my head with a frown. "Little girls need their rest. It's much too early for you to be up."

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