Chapter 12

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Mature scenes ahead

I couldn't help but bite my nails anxiously as soon as my sister shut the door. Demi studied me curiously, as if trying to figure me out. Finally, she spoke. "I have some business out of town for the next few days."

I frowned in confusion, unsure how that concerned me. "It concerns you because I need to trust that you will not do anything childishly stupid while I'm gone."

I huffed in indignation and stomped my foot. "You're not my babysitter!"

She smirked at me and leaned in close. "I'm not, am I?"

"I managed to survive 18 years on my own. I don't need to be coddled." I rolled my eyes. Before I could react, I was pinned onto the bed, face down.

"Do not roll your eyes at me." The warning in her voice was heard loud and clear.

"Okay, okay!" I whined.

She released me with a chuckle. "Are you sure that you're 18?"

I scowled at her and changed the subject. "Why are you here anyways?"

"Well I'm here to make sure that you got home from the orientation in one piece."

"That isn't what I meant. I meant, that night of the party, why did you come to my room in the first place?"

She met my eyes for a moment, hesitating. Then she looked away and replied coldly. "I needed to feed and I could smell your blood."

I felt a twinge in my heart at her cool response. "But then why did you keep coming back?" I asked quietly.

She stiffened before responding in a tone that matched mine. "Because your blood smells amazing."

I felt an inexplicable hurt overcome me at her response. "So is that all I am? An easy meal for you?"

Demi's eyebrows arched up in surprise for a second before she looked away again. "That is was humans are for, yes."

Before I could stop myself, angry tears began to spill from my eyes. I didn't understand why I was crying or why I felt hurt. It wasn't like I had expected to mean anything to her. But if I was simply food for her, then why did she come even if she didn't end up biting me? Why did she tell Adri that she was my friend and acted so possessive all the time? Why did she call me cute pet names and kiss me? Why did she touch me and insinuate that she was going things to me?

I blushed at that last thought before the anger returned. "I'm not one of your playthings!" I huffed angrily and Demi's head immediately snapped up towards me in surprise.

"I never said-calm down." She spoke in an even tone. "You're working yourself up over nothing."

"You just storm into my life and start demanding things from me and acting like you own me, but then you claim that you only want my blood?!" I shouted hysterically, throwing my hands up on the air.

Demi narrowed her eyes at me and began to take steps towards me. "That is your first warning, little girl. Calm down - this is an order."

"You don't have any right to order me around!" I began to back away from her. "You accused Angie of having other intentions towards me but yet you pretend I mean something and then tell me that I'm just a blood bag!"

"That is not what I meant." She inhaled deeply and replied again in a calm tone. "This is your second warning."

"I don't belong to you! You don't get to give me warnings and then act all bipolar-"

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