Chapter 18

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It was awkward. That's all I could come up with to describe the current circumstances. Demi had driven me home and slyly avoided all of my questions about how she had gotten her injuries the day that she returned.

Currently, Adriana and I were in the kitchen preparing the food while Demi and my dad conversed in the living room. I had insisted on helping even though my sister had wanted me to rest. It confused me how comfortable my dad and sister had suddenly become around Demi. She hadn't met my dad before this and she definitely hadn't made a great impression on my sister, but now they were chatting like old friends.

"Could you hand me some green onions?"

I snapped out of my daze. "Sorry, what?"

Adriana repeated her question and I hurried to retrieve one from the fridge. "Whatcha making?" I leaned over her shoulder to get a good look. I hadn't seen her cook for everyone since I had arrived here. Usually, my father cooked dinner, or we would order out. Everyone would usually prepare lunch for themselves since we didn't usually eat lunch together.

"I'm making ravioli." She chopped up the onions and sprinkled them on top of the dish.

I nudged her with my shoulder playfully. "Didn't know you could cook." She turned to send me a glare and to my horror, the knife slipped from her hand. We both immediately jumped backwards to avoid it and it made a loud noise as it hit the ground.

Before I could react, Demi had appeared beside me. I almost jumped in shock when I felt her hands on my shoulders. "Whoa, Demi, you could be an Olympic runner." My dad whistled as he entered the kitchen. "What's going on here?"

Adriana glared at me, but I could sense that she wasn't actually angry. "This little twit purposely bumped into my shoulder." She poked my ribs.

"Sorry, I was just surprised at the fact that you can cook more than a sandwich."

"That's very presumptuous of you, Elliana." I turned to look at my dad in surprise. Then he continued. "We haven't tested if the food is edible yet."

I burst out into laughter. "Dad!" Adriana blinked at him in shock and annoyance.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, I'm sure it's delicious." He chortled. Adri rolled her eyes in response and bent down to pick up the knife.

I turned to look at Demi. She still had her hands on my shoulders and I could not decipher her expression.

My dad began to make his way back to the living room and Adri placed the knife into the sink. Demi grasped my shoulders tightly and sniffed quietly. "You seem to be fine." She murmured lowly in my ear before removing her hands. It was then that I realized she had been sniffing for the scent of blood.

I nodded silently and she muttered teasingly in my ear again before turning to leave. "Can't even leave you alone for two minutes."

I scowled at her and she rolled her eyes at me as she walked away. "Are you going to help? Or can you not handle making dinner?" My sister said sarcastically and I glared at her before helping her layer the pasta dish.

After we set the dish in the oven, Adri leaned against the counter and watched me expectantly. "I don't want to pretend to hide my curiosity, so I'm just going to ask. How did you and Demi become friends?"

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