Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! Above is a picture of the very beautiful Elliana. I know I mentioned that the same characters (Elliana and Demi) also appear in the Everlasting Series. I tried picking similar pictures, but you will notice the picture of Elliana in the Everlasting series looks more regal (cause she's a princess) and old fashioned (cause it's a different century). Although it's not the same story, they are meant to be the same character so this is just a more "modernized" picture of what I imagine Elliana to look like.



I pulled my luggage towards the airport security gates. My mom followed behind me with a box of tissues in hand. She sniffled quietly. I stopped abruptly and turned to pull her into a hug. She sobbed into my hair. "I promise I'll come home for the holidays." I whispered. "You'll always be my favourite parent." I joked.

She let out a light laugh. "Elli baby, just remember to call me as soon as you land okay? And I want to hear all about college. And bring any boys or girls you meet home to meet your ma. Friends too!"

I chuckled. "Yes, mom. I promise." I quickly turned away as I was putting on an act. How could I not miss my mom? Or the city that I had grown up in? All the happy memories back when my parents were together and would take Adri and I for ice cream at night? A tear slipped from my eyes. Mom's arms wrapped around me from behind and I stiffened.

"I know you're upset, Elli. I'm your mother." I giggled lightly. "But for real, Elli. This is your dream. And it's all coming true for you, baby girl. I love you, but it's time for me to let you go now." I sobbed into her arms.

"I'll call you as soon as I land, mom. And I'll visit every break."

"That's what your sister said." She muttered quietly but I heard her.

"I'll drag Adri home if I have to. I love you, mom."

She kissed the top of my head. "Best of luck, baby girl. I'll be waiting for your calls."

"I love you, mom." I said again, finally giving her one last glance before turning towards the airport security gates.

After passing the gates, we were called to board the plane. I quickly found my seat and closed my eyes. I sighed. I felt a gentle tap on my arm. An elderly woman smiled kindly at me. "Homesick, Sweetheart?" I smiled back at her. She seemed like the type of overly friendly person you would encounter a lot here.

I nodded slowly. "I'm going to Cali for school."

"It'll be okay, you know. A new place is a new adventure. You don't have to let go of the memories from home."

"Thank you." I returned her smile. Closing my eyes, I prepared for the 6 hour flight.


After what seemed to be an eternity, we finally landed. I felt like every part of my body was stiff and groaned. We proceeded to pull our luggage off the aircraft. I went to the conveyor belts to retrieve the remainder of my luggage. After that, I immediately called my mother. "Ma?"

"Sweetheart!" She sounded groggy.

"Oh no, did I wake you up?"

She laughed. "Baby girl, you're the only wake up call I look forward to. Are you in Cali now?"

"Yeah." I yawned. "I'm just gonna call dad now."

"Tired? Not surprising, it's 1am here." Suddenly, my phone began to buzz. I checked the caller ID.

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