Chapter 17

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"Ow!" I felt someone slap my face lightly and opened my eyes. I was lying on a hospital bed with a bunch of tubes connected to my arm. I glared at the culprit. Adriana held her hands up in front of her defensively.

"Was that necessary, Adriana?"

She ignored my question and grasped one of my hands in hers. "You lost a lot of blood, Elli. You should thank your lucky stars that Demi brought you in when she did." She nodded towards the corner where Demi sat with black sunglasses over her face. She appeared to be sleeping but I knew better. She was too still.

"What happened?"

Adriana frowned at me. "Do you not remember? You were at the central library, and knowing you, you were probably carrying one too many books and couldn't see where you were going so you fell down the stairs." I could see Demi snicker silently. You didn't break anything but I'm guessing you cut your arm on something sharp since you lost a lot of blood." She gestured to my bandaged arm.

I glanced over at Demi again, wondering how she managed to pull this off. I assumed she probably had some connections in the hospital or she faked a cut on my arm but I couldn't say anything with my sister in the room.

"They've patched you up now, but you're going to need some more blood transfusions. Even then, they didn't know when you were gonna wake up. Oh Elli, never scare me like that again!"

"Adri," I interrupted, "where's dad?" The last thing I needed now was for my mother to find out about what "happened" and stress out. My head was still a bit foggy from everything.

My sister's response made me groan loudly. "Calling mom. I'm going to go let him know that you're up. "But seriously Elli, you know you're slightly anemic. Be careful!" She scolded. I could see Demi stiffen from the corner. "Do you reckon you'll be fine while I go find dad?"

"Yeah, yeah." I mumbled. Adri sighed and walked out of the room. The moment she closed the door, Demi appeared beside me. My heart raced, still unable to get used to her super speed. She removed her sunglasses and sent me a furious glare.

"You're anemic?" She hissed. "Why didn't you say anything? Are you trying to die?!"

"It's not that severe. I don't usually have problems. It was just when I was a child." I shrugged. "You've drank from me before. Besides, I thought you knew everything about me." I added.

"I almost killed you." She hissed dangerously, more to herself than me it seemed. Instantly, she bit her wrist again and shoved it at me. I instinctively shied away. She grabbed the back of my head with her hand.

"I'll scream." I warned.

"And tell them what? That a vampire attacked you?" I sucked in a long breath. "And you seem to forget my talents at manipulation, baby girl. How do you think I managed to get you in here and have them bandage an arm that was perfectly fine?"

"Then why don't you just manipulate me into taking your blood if you're so powerful?" I muttered in frustration. I wasn't really angry, but my head was still spinning and it made it difficult to concentrate. I couldn't help but feel agitated at the situation.

"I'm not going to use my powers on my ma-" she cleared her throat and sighed. "Elliana, I know that you probably think I'm a monster after what happened last night-"

"I never said that." I said quietly, not meeting her gaze. "You didn't make me give you my blood."

"Stop interrupting me." She hissed. I shrank back.

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