Chapter 47

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It burned. Just opening my eyes seemed to require more effort than my body could muster. I knew I was back in the room that I had initially been kept in. Erik had been watching me, but eventually he, too, made his way upstairs with the others. He liked to toy with my mind, but at this point I had nothing more to give.

In the silence of the room, the only thing that I could hear was the throbbing beat of my head. Surprising to me, this seemed to ease a bit for me over time, and I assumed it was because Erik was gone. I had so many questions in my mind, none of which I thought I would receive answers to.

How had Angie managed to bypass our radar for so long? Couldn't witches detect other witches or was that a myth?

Angie had been nowhere near us when we were in New York, so it had to have been Erik who marked me. The question was how he had managed to even get near me with Lana's protection. My head began to throb again. It was preventing me from concentrating. I closed my eyes for a moment. I felt so useless at this moment. I couldn't do anything except sit around and wait for Demi to save me. I tried not to think about how she could possibly be in danger.

I had no idea how long I just stayed there silently in the darkness. Out of nowhere, a loud crash shattered the silence and I could feel my heart pounding in fear. It was too dark too see anything. For a moment, I panicked thinking Erik was back, or worse.

Then I felt it. A warm and comforting sensation hit me. It was familiar and I recognized it immediately. I hadn't felt it since I had been locked in here. I felt as though I could almost cry in relief. "D-Demi?" I stifled a sob.

There was a quiet groan and some shuffling. "I'm here, my Sweet Girl. Momma's here."  

I nearly burst into tears right there, but I forced myself to hold back. I couldn't let Erik or anyone hearing me cry...assuming that hadn't already heard the commotion. "Demi, you're on my leg." I heard Lana's voice groan softly.

"Sorry..." Demi's footsteps approached me and quickly snapped the chain that was wound around my ankle. I tried to stand and fell into her arms immediately. Demi quickly caught me and picked me up. "My poor baby..." she held me to her chest and I could hear the controlled fury in her tone.

"I-I'm okay... Erik head...." I mumbled incoherently.

"It's alright, my Sweet Girl. Just rest. We'll get you out of here." Demi's tone now sounded like she wanted to cry. I held on just a bit tighter. She carried me over to where I presumed Lana was standing. "Can we get back up?"

Lana was staring at the ceiling. "We should be able to..." Lana said, but just as she finished her words, the ceiling began falling in again, and Demi quickly hurried out of the way with me in her arms.

"It's too dangerous." Lana concluded. "Not necessarily for us but Elli is human."

"No more dangerous than the alternative. If we go out that door, you can bet Cairstine's coven will be waiting." Demi snapped.

"Demi," Lana said firmly. "If you climb with her, the ceiling could cave in. She could get hit over the head or impaled on a piece of wood. It's too dangerous."

"We don't have a choice!"

"That you don't." The door to the basement was flung open. Angie stood in the doorway, her eyes glowing in the darkness. I clung tighter onto my mate and felt her arms squeeze me protectively.

"Angelica, let us go." Lana tried to reason in a firm tone. "This isn't your fight. You're getting involved in a centuries-old vendetta. Elli has nothing to do with this. Let us take her home."

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