Chapter 8

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More mature content. Must be a trend😶

It seemed like my sister had completely forgotten about the day before or how I was supposedly upset last night. As too as we had finished breakfast, Adriana had dragged me into coming along with all her friends to the mall again. I really didn't want to go, but I knew that arguing with her wouldn't do much. Angie walked over to us and ruffled my hair again. "Hello, little Elli!" She laughed. I winced and resisted the urge to smack her hand. Instead, I took a deep breath and fixed my hair. Adriana had always babied me as a kid when I visited for the summers and as a result, her friends saw me as a little kid too.

"No hi for me, Angie?" Adriana teased and pretended to frown. Angie rolled her eyes and slung her arm lazily over Adri's shoulder. I nervously looked around the mall, biting my nails. Adri yanked my hand out of my mouth when she noticed and gave me a look. I glanced at her in annoyance.

"Who are you, my mother?" I said, simply to annoy her. She knew that big crowds triggered my anxiety. Adriana ignored my comment, but Angie placed a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be alright." She smiled sympathetically at me and hooked her arm through mine.

"So what do we need to buy today?"

My sister laughed. "We're just window shopping, and if we see something we like, we'll buy it."

I gaped. I was going to be stuck here for hours. Whenever Adriana went shopping without specific intentions, she would wander around the mall for hours and stare at what seemed like every product until I threatened to scream. Maybe it was because I was the youngest child in my family, but sometimes I felt like I had never fully grown up.

Before I could get lost in my thoughts, Adriana yanked my hand hard, pulling me into a shoe store.


After being dragged around for approximately three hours, my sister finally stopped for a break. We walked to the food court, with Angie chatting happily about a new shade of lip gloss that she had bought. Angie and I went to order the drinks while Adri went to find us a table. Angie ordered two iced coffees for herself and my sister. I insisted on ordering a pink lemonade soda. I also didn't have any taste for coffee.

We carried the drinks back to Adri. She laughed when she saw my drink of choice. I sipped at my drink quietly as they conversed. "Excuse me?" I looked up as both Adri and Angie stopped talking. A guy who appeared to be slightly older than me stood in front of me with a grin. He had dirty blonde hair and light, grey eyes. "Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you looked." He winked. I didn't realize he was addressing me initially since it was usually my sister that got this kind of attention when we went out. I hesitantly forced a smile as Adri elbowed my side.

"Th-thank you."

He handed me a piece of paper. "If you'd ever be interested in hanging out, shoot me a text. Name's Danny." I nodded silently and he walked away. Adriana immediately began to squeal. Angie joined her but appeared to be slightly irritated.

"You have a date, Elli!"

"I don't want a date." I mumbled.

Adri's jaw dropped. "He's gorgeous, El!"

"Don't you have a boyfriend and weren't you just shipping me with Aidan last night?" I countered.

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