Chapter 24

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Um...sorta mature content near the end?


When I woke up the next day, I felt significantly better, but I was still not well enough to go to class, according to Demi. I also just about had a mini heart attack when I realized that the "pillow" that I was resting on was rising and falling steadily. I was always a bit slow in the morning. I opened one eye and cane face to face with a pair of breasts. My face flushed as I remembered the events of the night before.

Demi's hand slid up my waist and pulled me close. My burning face pressed against her breast and her other hand lightly stroked my hair. "Good morning baby girl." She said in a raspy morning voice which made my heart flutter. "How is my little girl feeling?"

Instead of answering, I buried my face into her chest and tried to hide. She giggled at this. "Such a cutie." She lifted my face up to face her. "So did that help you relax? You looked like you slept well."

I stayed silent, not responding. That was one of the best sleeps that I've had since I had arrived in California, free from my anxiety-ridden dreams, but I didn't want to tell her that.

Why are you resisting it?

I shushed the little voice inside my head."I'm glad it helped you, baby, that's what mommy's here for." My eyes widened in shock. I know that I hadn't said that out loud. She chuckled softly. "We've been over this. I can hear your thoughts."

I looked away as she gently lifted me off of her chest and got up. I let out a little whine and reached for her arm involuntarily before slapping a hand over my mouth as I blushed furiously. I had expected her to laugh at me but she simply pulled me into her arms and lifted me up. "Wh-What are you doing?" I stuttered.

"Taking my baby girl to the bathroom for a bath."

She began to carry me to my private bathroom. Demi sat me down on the sink and I hissed at the coldness of the surface. She turned on the tap and began to fill the tub, adding in some different coloured bubble baths. Next, she unbuttoned my top and slid it down my shoulders before working on my pants. I didn't protest anymore, but it still made me blush.

I was picked up and gently placed in the tub. A rainbow swirl of bubbles surrounded me and I giggled happily. Demi turned the water off. She hesitated before asking. "Can Mommy join you? I just want to hold you. I promise."

I hesitated before nodding. She didn't have to ask, but she did anyways and that made me feel all fuzzy inside. She smiled widely and began to undress. My eyes widened as I suddenly realized that I had never seen her fully naked before.

I began to blush again, but for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of her as she pulled her shirt off. She bent over to remove her pants and I could feel my heart racing in my chest. I heard her chuckle lowly and realized that she could hear my heartbeat too. My eyes quickly snapped back up to her face.

She turned back around to face me. "Scoot forwards, baby." I moved to the middle of the tub and pulled my knees to my chest. Demi stepped into the tub and sat down behind me. I let out a tiny squeal of surprise as she wrapped her arms under my breasts and pulled me against her front.

I tried to relax against her. The slow and steady sound of her heart beat comforted me. We simply sat there for awhile. She stroked my hair, lulling me into a very peaceful state. Aside from my mother when I was a child, I had never had anyone take care of me when I was sick. I was sure that Adri and my dad hadn't even realized that I was sick and hadn't come out of my room for over a day. I didn't blame them for being busy of course, but it definitely felt nice to be taken care of.

I suddenly turned to face her. "Can vampires get sick?"

She raised an eyebrow at me. "No."

I surprised myself with what I did next. I leaned forwards until our lips met. Demi let out a little surprised gasp, but pulled me closer and tangled her hands in my hair. The sensations enveloped me as I felt the passion of our kiss. All of my senses were consumed and nothing else mattered in that moment.

When we finally drew apart, I was left gasping for breath. Demi had a little smirk at the corner of her mouth as if she knew exactly how I was feeling. "Thank you for taking care of me." I mumbled.

Her face broke out into a gentle smile. "I'll always take care of you. You're my sweet little girl."

Warmth flooded my chest. I smiled shyly at her and tried to lean back against her, but she gently held me up. I looked at her in confusion. "I need to wash you now, baby. The water's cooling and I don't want you catching a draft."

She picked up the sponge from the holder on the side of the tub and emerged it into the water before gently scrubbing it against my skin. She washed me very carefully and didn't miss a single spot. My breath hitched whenever she dragged the sponge across my more intimate parts, but she didn't do anything else other than wash me.

Next, she began to wash my hair. She dispensed some shampoo into her hands. "Lean back, baby girl." She said softly. I obeyed and she began to gently massage my head. I felt so relaxed as she stroked my hair and I closed my eyes. After several minutes, she rinsed out the shampoo with the shower head, being careful not to get any in my eyes.

I watched as she washed herself next and proceeded to get out of the tub and wrap a towel around herself.

"You will beg me to take your virginity."

I flushed as her words at the hospital that day randomly flashed through my mind. "Baby girl?" My eyes snapped to hers as she gave me a knowing smirk. "Mommy told you to stand up so that she can help you get dry."

I silently complied in embarrassment, not wanting to admit what I had been thinking, even though that chances were that she already knew. Demi wrapped a fluffy towel around my hair and another around my body before picking me up into her arms again. She kissed my cheek and walked over to the bed. Then she placed me down on the bed before turning to walk away. "Wh-where are you going?" I winced at the desperation in my voice.

I had almost expected Demi to laugh at my neediness, but she simply leaned down and stroked my face gently. "Mommy is just going to drain the tub and clean up. I promise to be right back, baby girl."

I relaxed and looked after her longingly. I was feeling much better after the bath. It was more than just feeling physically better though. I thought about how she had taken care of me when I needed it. Even though she teased me a lot, I couldn't say I hated it. She did punish me, but only when I acted out, which I had to admit was quite frequently. Once I set my pride aside, I felt a sense of belonging. I was happy to not be alone for once. So why was I stalling? I obviously wanted her. I hoped that my thoughts weren't loud enough for Demi to hear.

I made my decision in that moment and began to unwrap my towel. I also released my hair and allowed the damp waves to fall around me. I lay on my back and waited for Demi to come back. It only took seconds before she reentered the room. "Baby!" She exclaimed as she immediately appeared by my side. "You should've waited for mommy to dress you. Your cold is only going to get worse if you don't stay warm." She warned, walking over to my dresser.

"Wait." I said before I could talk myself out of it. She turned around and we made eye contact. I began to sit and up and leaned forwards so that I was on my hands and knees in what I thought may be considered a "sexy" position. Then I crawled to the edge of the bed. "What if I don't want to get dressed?" I challenged.

She blinked at me for a few moments before slowly making her way back to the bed. "Excuse me?" She said in a low tone as she leaned forwards towards my face.

I reached for her towel and gently pulled it loose. I was met with no resistance. "I'm yours, and I want to belong to you. Take me. Please."


Oooh. It's hot in here.

It's still Monday. I didn't forget about updating, I worked 12pm-11pm today so I had no time to update before.

Bet you guys can guess what will happen in the next chapter😇.

See y'all soon!


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