Chapter 31

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Mature content ahead

I don't know what I was expecting when I opened the door to my room, but it sure wasn't Demi laying on my bed in lingerie, posed in an alluring way that left little to the imagination. I quickly locked the door behind me this time. She smirked as I froze and stood up to walk to me like an experienced seductress.

Of course, being the awkward person that I was, I stumbled several steps backwards and fell to the ground. Demi smirked playfully at me before sauntering over and pulling on my hand. I yelped as went flying into her practically naked body.

My face burned and I whimpered quietly at the strong tingles that I felt upon the contact. I chewed on my lip nervously and I slowly wrapped my arms around her. She chuckled quietly before lifting me up in her arms and carrying me over to the bed.

I looked at her with wide eyes. She chuckled in amusement. "A little bird told me you had a trying day at school, baby girl."

I raised an eyebrow at my mate. "A little bird or a bloodsucking bat?" I whispered playfully.

Demi rolled her eyes. "Am I also just a bloodsucking bat to you?"

"Of course not. You're also a nice pillow and you bought me a puppy." I reminded in a teasing voice.

"Little brat." She smacked the outside of my thigh lightly. "Do you want me to help you relax or not?"

I looked at her curiously again. When I didn't respond, Demi took off her bra and pulled me to her chest as she lay down. My eyes widened with shock as my burning hot cheek made contact with her breast. I could already feel myself regressing, as she had called it, at her actions. She moved to pull the blanket over us, but did not do anything else.

I bit my lip nervously and noticed that her nipple was less than an inch from my lips. I looked up at her and she stared back at me. I finally gave into my urges and closed my lips around her nipple. I heard a soft gasp as I began to suck gently, my eyes closing. I felt fingers run through my hair gently and slowly felt the tension in my body leave.

After a long while, I tasted something sweet, making me immediately become more aware again. I heard a quiet groan from Demi and I tasted it again. It definitely didn't taste like breast milk, not that I would know what a vampire's breast milk would taste like, but it was a very familiar taste. The foreign substance made my anxiety fade and I felt myself continuing to suck instead of pushing away.

After another while, I felt gentle hands prying me off. "Alright my Sweet Girl, that's enough." When I didn't respond, she repeated more firmly. "That's enough baby, let go of Mommy like a good girl."

I let go with a clearly unhappy whine and crossed my arms. Demi chuckled quietly and reached down to wipe something from the corner of my mouth. "It's not good if you drink too much of my blood." She said quietly.

My eyes saucered and my body stiffened as her words sunk into my head. "Wh-What??" I asked in an unnaturally high pitched tone. "Why did you-"

"Baby girl, you bit me." She smirked in amusement. "I didn't do anything if you were wondering."

"B-But why couldn't I stop-"

"My blood is good for more than just healing, sweetheart. It's a very addictive substance and it doesn't always taste exactly the same depending on the circumstance. Lucky for you, you're my mate so nothing will happen if you take more but it's still best not to become too dependent on it." She said softly.

That explained why I didn't recognize it as blood immediately. "Then why didn't you pull me away right away when I bit you??" I asked anxiously.

Demi smirked at me. "You were too cute in that position." My cheeks immediately flamed red and I turned away. She sighed and covered herself with the blanket. "Were you fine at school? On the way home?"

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