Chapter 2

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Adriana stayed true to her word and dragged me out with her friends the next day. "C'mon Elli, aren't you ready yet?" She burst into my room. I gasped and held my top in front of me. She walked over to me. "Are you seriously wearing a pink cat hoodie?" She yanked the hoodie from me.

"Hey!" I whined. I covered myself as she went to my closet and began rummaging through my clothes.

"Do you own any clothes that don't have animals on the front or make you look like a kid?" I opened my mouth to protest. The next thing I knew, I was hit in the face with multiple clothing items. I scowled at my sister. Picking up the clothes that had fallen on the floor, my jaw dropped. "There. Wear those." She sounded satisfied.

"Adriana. Are we going to a club or the mall?!" She had thrown a lacy crop top, a pair of tight fitting denim shorts, and a pair of black tights at me. And just to clarify, the only reason I had this sort of clothing at all was because she bought it for me years ago.

"Both actually." She smiled sheepishly. "We're going to the mall to shop and eat lunch. We're going to go grocery shopping in the afternoon, come home to drop off the stuff, and then Angie says that she wants to go check out the new club in town." Angie was my sister's most outgoing and rambunctious friend. She always treated me like a kid and she always pinched my cheeks.

My eyes widened. "Absolutely not!"

"And this is why I wasn't going to tell you yet." She sighed.

"Adriana, I'm not go-"

"Please." She pleaded. "We won't stay too long. You can stick to me if you want. I'll make sure no one tries anything creepy."


"If you say you want to leave then we leave immediately."

"I'm not even 21!"

"We got fake IDs, no one needs to know."

I closed my eyes in exasperation. "Fine. But I'm wearing my converse."

She squealed and clapped her hands. "I can live with that." She walked out and left me to change.

I sighed and rolled my eyes and began to put on the crop top and shorts. I walked over to my closet and retrieved a gray cardigan with a blue bear embroidered on it, pulling it on. I stuffed my phone, wallet, and keys into the cardigan pocket and walked out to meet Adriana. She stood outside my door with her arms crossed over her chest.

"See? I knew that'd look amazing on you! Although it'd be better if you lost the cardigan..."

"I look like a stripper." I said flatly.

"You look amazing. All the guys won't be able to take their eyes off of you."

"Exactly what I wanted to avoid."

Adriana rolled her eyes at me. "C'mon Elli, when I was your age I was with my second boyfriend. Men aren't poisonous, you know."

I ignored her comment and brushed past her, walking down the stairs. I ran into my dad in the foyer as he walked out of the kitchen with a glass of water. He glanced at my attire and began to choke. I patted his back as he coughed loudly. "Elli! What are you wearing?!"

"Ask Adri." I muttered.

"Adriana! Why did you dress your baby sister-"

"Calm down, dad. She's eighteen already. She's fine." She cut him off, rolling her eyes.

"Daddy, can I get a pin for my cardigan?" He scrambled to oblige immediately. I giggled. Adri scowled as I pinned my cardigan shut. My dad adjusted the front again.

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