Chapter 5

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I went straight to my room when we arrived home and locked the door so Adriana could not pester me. Despite that, she knocked at my door for nearly ten minutes. Finally, she sighed, knowing that she wasn't going to get an answer.

About an hour later, I heard another knock, a much gentler on this time. "What, Adri?!" I yelled in frustration and I stood up and yanked the door open. "Dad..." I stepped back in surprise to let him in.

"What's the matter Elli? Didn't you have fun today?" I burst into tears suddenly and clung onto his shirt. He hugged me back in surprised and moved into my room, closing the door. I had been holding in everything since we got back from the club and now I just couldn't anymore.

We sat down on my bed and I found myself blurting out all the events of today, from nearly getting killed in a shooting to almost getting drugged at a club. My dad had his fist clenched tightly by the end. "Adriana snuck you into a club?" My father was definitely the more easy-going parent, but he also treated me like a child.

I nodded silently. He pulled me into a hug. "Thank heavens you're safe. Your sister and I will be having a little talk in the morning." He said firmly before kissing the top of my head and standing up to leave. "Try to get some sleep, okay? Do you want me to bring you up some warm milk?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm alright." I slowly crawled underneath the blankets. "I miss mom." I stated softly.

"Do you want me to call her for you?" My dad sighed, knowing that I was much closer to her.

"No, I don't want to wake's the middle of the night there."

My dad sighed softly again and walked back over to me. "You know your mother said that she would pick up your calls regardless of what time it is. Give her a call, alright?"

I nodded and he turned to leave again. "Maybe I really am a bad parent." He muttered almost inaudibly.

"Dad, that's not true, you weren't home and you didn't even know..." I started to feel guilty. I knew this was one of the things he and Mom argued about a lot.

"Exactly my point." He sighed. "Goodnight, honey." He closed the door behind him. I sighed and picked up my phone and called my mother.

She picked up on the second ring.

"Hello, baby?"

"Mom." I sniffled. Her response was immediate.

"What's wrong, Elli?"

Everything just came pouring out. My mother listened silently until I stopped talking. In a controlled voice, she finally spoke.

"Let me speak to your father."

I quickly replied. "It's not dad's fault, mom. He was at work and didn't know, I swear."

"It is his responsibility to check up on you. Especially since you're in a new place!"

"I'm not a child anymore. He can't be expected to watch me all the time."

Finally, she sighed, giving in.

"Fine. But know that I will be calling your sister to have a long talk in the morning."

"I'm sorry for waking you up." I mumbled softly. "Dad told me to call you because..."

"...Because you couldn't sleep?"

I nodded, but then remembered that she couldn't see me over the phone. "Yeah..."

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