Chapter 32

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Demi didn't return until the middle of the night. My eyes fluttered open when I heard the familiar pop in my room. I turned over to face her when I froze in my bed. There was a strange shadow perched by the window. "M-Madame Cairstine?!" I questioned in a tone of horror, terrified that Lana had been right.

"Where's Demi?!" I demanded. Waves of realization washed over me as I realized I was more concerned for her safety as I was staring at undeniable danger in the face. I could feel our bond strengthen as if it was tangible. I hadn't noticed when I awoke, but it had felt weaker and strangely disconnected, and that was why I had been unable to tell right away that it was not her in my room.

The figure began to approach me and I scrambled to get off my bed. "Wait..." The shadow was very clearly a man. As his face came into the moonlight, something familiar was triggered inside my head, but I couldn't remember what. "You..."

He smiled at me coldly. "Mon tresor...I have been searching for you long enough."

I felt my blood turn to ice as I stumbled backwards into the wall. My voice disappeared and I was unable to even scream for help. As he closed the distance between us, he was forced away by a flash. He growled as his head snapped up to the cloaked figure. Her back was facing me but the bond told me that it was my mate. The man didn't hesitate before vanishing in the air.

Demi turned to face me with an expression of horror before grabbing me and pulling me into a hug. "I'm so so sorry. I should never have left you alone. I don't know what I was thinking!"

Waves of comfort washed over me as we sat down on the bed, still in each other's arms. "I'm okay. I'm okay." I reassured her, trying not to let my voice shake.

"A second later and you wouldn't have been." She said in a shaky tone. "I should've gone after him!" She suddenly hissed. "Figure out what he wanted! I've never encountered him before, but now he's automatically an enemy because he tried to hurt you." She sighed loudly. "I thought that witch was our only problem, but evidently not."

"N-no, I'm glad you stayed with me." I said firmly, before continuing in a weak voice. "I know what he wants. I had a brief memory flashback. He took me all those years ago. Him and a woman. I thought he was human but evidently not, I guess, considering he just vanished in front of our eyes."

"That's the only thing we know for sure." Demi clenched her hands into fists. He wasn't here long enough for me to figure out what creature he is, but he certainly has magic."

"Wouldn't that make him a witch then? Or a wizard?"

Demi laughed humourlessly. "I'm afraid to break it to you, but it's not only witches and wizards who have magical powers. You know I do. Did you manage to get a glimpse of him or remember anything?"

"I did..." I strained my mind trying to come up with a description, but it was gone even though I had seen him and recognized him. "Can he magically remove my memories?" I asked, desperately trying to recall something, anything.

Demi's eyes widened. "Baby girl..."

"The only reason that I even realized it was him was because of his voice." I shivered and closed my eyes. "I have no idea how he found me, but that nickname he called me... I feel like I'm going to be sick."

She stroked my back soothingly. "I will find him." She hissed in a terrifying tone, but surprisingly I wasn't the least bit bothered by it. "After I make sure that you're safe, I will figure this out. I was out trying to find that man from that day and figure if if he had any ties to that witch-"

"You were lurking around a jail?" I interrupted.

"It doesn't matter. I still have no idea how I didn't sense you were in danger sooner!" She said in frustration.

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