Chapter 28

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When Elliana finally fell asleep in my arms, I should have been relieved, but I wasn't. Her breathing clearly indicated that she was still distressed. I was unable to shake the image of her tossing and turning, screaming out in her sleep, out of my mind. I had never seen her in such a manner and it terrified me.

Yes, it could have been just a bad nightmare, but my instincts told me that there was more to it. My grip involuntarily tightened around her as the thought of someone causing her this level of fear or distress. I wanted to look inside her mind, but I also wanted to respect her privacy. Besides, I doubted that had I looked, I would have found anything substantial as her emotions had been a jumbled mess.

She let out a tiny whimper and I leaned down to kiss her forehead. I did not move my lips away until her expression turned peaceful again. I was momentarily grateful that she was asleep because this meant that I could avoid having the inevitable conversation with her about what Lana had said this morning.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Vampires technically didn't need to sleep, and I hadn't slept for nearly a century until I met my mate. Laying down with her in my arms would relax me enough to lull me into a shallow sleep. I held her closer to me and breathed in her scent as I let the unconsciousness take over.



The next morning, I hadn't even opened my eyes and I already knew I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

We can never wake up on the wrong side of the bed when we're in our mate's arms.

My eyes widened. This could not be one of those stupid real life stories where a girl discovers she's a werewolf and there's a wolf talking in her head.

Idiot. I'm your little, not your wolf.

My jaw dropped. I was talking to myself again then. I was officially losing it. I groaned and rolled around, again, trying to get comfortable. I guessed that I was moving a bit too much because Demi began to stir and open her eyes too. She blinked in sleepiness several times before her eyes focused on me. Her expression immediately morphed to one of concern. "Are you alright baby girl?"

I stiffened, remembering last night. This was a topic that I really didn't want to breach. "Why wouldn't I be?" I feigned cluelessness.

"It's just that-" she cut herself off and began again. "What do you remember from last night?"

"Last night? I was really tired after class and wanted to go to sleep." I kept playing along.

Demi studied my face for a moment before her expression softened. "Okay my sweet girl, let's get you ready for class."

"I don't have class today."

She raised an eyebrow at me. "So what are your plans for the day?"

"I want to know about what Lana said." I stated, not even trying to beat around the bush.

Now it was Demi's turn to stiffen. "It's none of your concern-"

"Judging by what I overheard it's definitely my concern."

Her expression softened again. "I will protect you baby, your safety is the most important thing to me in this whole world."

"And what about you?" I raised an eyebrow.

She feigned confusion at my words. "What do you mean?"

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