Chapter 40

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"Give her some space." Lana uttered to me as I stared after Demi. I didn't know how to feel. Disappointment was already swirling inside me. Even though I had been scared, I wanted so desperately to remember. I lowered my head in defeat as Lana crouched down in front of me.

"Hey, it's fine that it didn't work. The important thing is that you're back home, and you're safe. With all of Demi's siblings around, we'll figure out a way. I promise." I nodded slowly, not making eye contact as Lana stood up to leave. "I need to check on our guests. I'll be back soon."

I tried not to let the disappointment get to me. I was so sure that we would at least get some sort of answer. Lana was right about one thing. It was a relief to be back.



Our cards were stacked against us. Normally I wasn't the pessimistic sort, but everything I had tried so far wasn't working. I didn't like to rely on anyone else, except perhaps Lana, and now I had to rely on all of my siblings simply to keep my mate alive. My brain wouldn't let me focus on the alternative. Despite only having met her a few months ago, I already knew that I couldn't live in a world without Elliana. That meant that I had to put away my pride and ask for help if that was what it took.

I felt guilty about walking out of the room when the spell hadn't worked. I couldn't bear to have my mate see the look of disappointment on my face and think that it was in any way directed at her. I had to allow myself to calm down.

"Hey Dem?" I turned my head to see Lana standing in the doorway. "Everyone's here. I had them all go into the sitting room downstairs. You should probably go talk to them. I'll keep Elli upstairs for now. Text me when I should bring her down."

I nodded at her and ran my fingers through my hair, trying to calm my thoughts. "You know I appreciate you, right?"

Lana laughed lightly. "You'd be an outright as*hole if you didn't."

I chuckled and pushed past her. "Who says I'm not one anyways?"

"Good that you have some sense of self awareness!" She called after me as I rolled my eyes.

I could feel the anxiety building up as I descended the stairs. I hadn't seen some of the others in decades. The one that I had seen most recently was Larissa. Even so, it had been several years since our last meeting. She immediately came over and gave me a hug as I appeared at the bottom of the stairs. I hugged her back with a smile.

I took a deep breath nervously as we both pulled away, and turned to glance at the others. From oldest to youngest, Ayla was sitting on the couch with Jericho. The two of them were actually together. Ayla was the first of us to be turned, but she was turned when she was 21, so she looked younger than some of the others. Ayla acted like the big sister for a lot of us when we were first turned. She had a sweet temperament and was always the first to help any of us who needed it. Even though Jericho wasn't her mate, he adored her.

Next was Sterling, Americk, and Avan on the other couch. The three of them were biological triplets who were turned together when the rest of their family were wiped out in a fire on their farm. Ayla had found Sterling and Avan dying of smoke inhalation and she had pleaded with our creator to save them. Americk had third degree burns on 70% of his body and wasn't expected to survive the night. Even today, the scars from the deepest burns remained on his skin. The three looked about 17, but they were well over 700 years old.

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