Chapter 3

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"Adriiii." I grumbled as we wandered through the grocery store aisles. "Don't you think this is enough food?" I gestured to the cart full of items.

"Have you no idea how much drunk college students eat?"

"I hate parties." I huffed. "Just know that my room is off limits."

"Fine with me." Adri shrugged.

"Wait up!" Angie ran up to us holding several packs of beer and bottles of hard liquor.

"Did you like, raid the alcohol store?" I stared at her blankly. She had gone next door to buy the alcohol while we shopped for food.

She ruffled my hair and giggled after placing the alcohol into the cart as well. I scowled at her again as I attempted to fix my hair for the third time today.

"Can we just go now?" I asked in annoyance.

"Not yet, still need to pick up some aspirin, a first aid kit, a mop...and some condoms-" she grinned evilly.


"Oh relax. I'm not gonna use them but some of the others may want to. Why don't you go pick up some animal crackers while you wait?"

I scowled at her too. "I do not eat animal crackers."

She shrugged. "Well I do. So go grab them. If you see anything you want, grab that too." 

I nodded. "Need me to come with you?"

I smiled politely at Angie. "No, I'll be able to find them."

With that, I walked off to the cookie aisle. I quickly located the animal crackers that my sister wanted, rolling my eyes as I did. I groaned when I realized that they were on the top shelf. I began to reach for them when I accidentally made contact with another person's arm. "Sorry!" I quickly said as I retracted my arm and turned to look at the person I had made contact with.

Dark brown eyes bored into my green ones. A tall woman in a black leather jacket, jeans, and knee-highs watched me intently. She had pale skin, medium length brown hair that cascaded down her shoulders, and a certain intensity in her gaze. Her eyes began to scan down my body. I gasped, suddenly remembering what I was wearing, and yanked my cardigan closed. I mentally cursed my sister. Her eyes darkened and she appeared to be taking deep breaths.

"S-sorry." I stuttered again. She opened her eyes and silently reached up, grabbing the box of animal crackers that I had been reaching for and handed it to me. "Thank you!" I beamed at her.

"You are very welcome, Sweetheart." She grinned at me, almost in a flirty way. I felt my heart beat slightly faster. She silently patted my  hand and turned to leave. I gasped quietly as I felt my hand tingling but I convinced myself that it was merely my imagination.

I quickly took a deep breath and remembered that Adri had told me to grab any snacks that I wanted. I scanned the aisle before finally grabbing a box of fruit cups, a bag of gummy bears, and some juice.

I found Adri and Angie in the chips aisle. Adri gave me a look as I dumped everything into the cart. "You eat fruit cups?"

"You eat animal crackers." I retorted, rolling my eyes at her.

She ignored my comment. "I think we've got everything. We'll go home and drop this stuff off before going to the club."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Wait, if you were intending to go home before going to the club, why did I have to dress this way to go to the mall?! I could have changed."

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