Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


My head is spinning. What is with all these surprises? Why I exist is still a puzzle that I need to figure out and I'm getting nowhere. Now I have a twin sister that may or may not be held captive can my life get any more hectic than it already is?

I felt a hand on my arm and instantly I felt tingles run up and down my arms calming down the ranging motions swirling inside of me.

"Doesn't that mean that David and Susan who were my parents before I found out that they weren't and that they were my uncle and aunt are now people that are not even related to me? What is that suppose to mean? Just when I think I found out everything that I figured out everything in my life it just seems that new things just keep popping up about my mysterious life! How am I suppose to live like this not knowing  what's going to happen next!" I screamed

"I promise you that we will get this all figured out. We'll find your sister and whoever the hell that is related to you but you have got to trust me. We are going to continue with our original plans with you starting school today and I'll dig deeper and try to find out if Isaac is still out and about. If he is then he's the one behind all of this."

I nod that's all I can do right now. I feel so numb. I let go of Luke's arm and walked out of his study to our bedroom. I needed another shower. I walked into the bathroom and let the shower run before I got into the warm water. I let the water run down me, trying to soothe my nerves down but it did nothing.  This is my life now and I can't do anything about but just wait.

A knock sounded through the door but I just ignored it and continued to let the water hit me.

'Princess please open up, I need to see you'

Why do I just get turned on by just hearing his voice at a time like this.

'It's because we have mated but not bonded yet but I can still feel your emotions strongly'

'God stop talking in my head I really don't want to jump you at a time like this'

'No one's telling you not to, I'm all for it'

'Luke stop I'm not in the mood. I'll be out in a minute just wait'

'Not happening Princess, I've waited long enough, I pushed you away from me on purpose because you weren't ready but now you are, you know everything that I know, well not everything but that is beside the point. Just let me in I promise I won't try anything if you don't want me to and you know that as well as I do'

I sigh, I know it was true but with everything that's going on I don't think it's right for us to bond and I know Luke won't do anything but I don't know if I can be so sure about myself.

'You do realise that I can hear all your thoughts and see the images flashing through your head and I'm trying really hard not to break down the door because that means that I would have to fix the door which I really don't want to do'

Urgg stupid mate, he has a death wish if he thinks that he's gonna seduce me into bonding with him.

'Why would I have to seduce you if you want it as much as I do'

I get out of the shower knowing that Luke won't let me shower in peace and quickly get dressed before drying my hair in a towel then pulling it back into a bun. I unlock the door and pull it open to find Luke with a key in hand. He has a key for the bathroom?

I quirk an eyebrow at him and he just pulls back with a sheepish smile.

"What a man needs to have duplicate keys if his mate keeps locking doors on him" he holds up his hands in mock surrender. I walk past him but stop when he steps in front of me stopping me. I look up at him only to find out that his expression has changed. Gone is playful, carefree Luke and in his place is kind, loving, and sincere Luke.

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