Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"Ready?" he asks

I nod and follow him out the bedroom and out into the backyard where majority of the pack trains. I tied my shoes before standing up facing Luke.

"Let's get warmed up shall we?" Luke says before running laps around the training ground. I run with him but I am no where near as fast as him. He slows down so that I can catch up to him and we run laps together. After two laps Luke stopped and told me to continue running another 10 laps. I was tired by the end of 10 laps. I was already tired but Luke kept pushing me to run faster, punch harder, kick harder. I'm gonna hate training.


It's been two weeks. I don't have to go to the studio for awhile since the competition is done. We came in second place and I was content with that. I was still going through hell while training with Luke and I was surprisingly getting better at it. We found some clues as to where Isaac was hiding my sister and the letter he sent wasn't much helpful either. At this point we didn't know what he wanted from us, from me, but we continued to play his little game. All we've got is that it is indeed Isaac who is behind all of this but we couldn't find a trace of the building. We have trackers working the place out but they have not come any closer either. Shay and Ian have worked things out but they still haven't mated and I can tell that Ian is starting to get restless at not claiming his mate. Everyone is doing their best and it seems that the situation with the rogues had calmed down a bit but I know that there is a reason for their silence. Their gonna attack soon. Luke and I have prepared our pack and the other packs around us for the fight but we are keeping it on the down low just in case.

I'm currently punching a punching bag, doing high kicks and and punching it some more. My wolf has been restless lately and I don't know why. I asked Luke about it and he said that it's probably because I'm gonna shift soon but there's something else. I have this urge to protect everything but I don't know why. Luke is sitting there watching me with an amused expression on his face and I know exactly why. I have been at this for a couple of hours doing the same thing. I'm surprised that the bag didn't burst yet with all the force I'm putting into it. I put one final punch into the bag before walking around to Luke and getting my towel and water bottle out.

"You're gonna tire yourself out if you keep doing this" Luke says while leading me back upstairs to our room.

"I'm fine but just a little restless" I say while wiping down my sweat.

Luke nods and looks away.

"What?" I ask seeing that he had gone quiet.

He huffed out a breath before turning to me. "We found the building" he says and continues on seeing my expression "but it's not gonna be easy to get in. Isaac has guards working around the clock and its not just one set he has many."

I nod taking the situation in. At least we know where she is.

"Show me where" I say not leaving room for discussion.

He frowns before leading me into his office. He pulled out a map before laying it neatly out on his desk. I went over to him and looked at the map.

"The building is here" he says pointing to an area that is secluded by forests. "Isaac has his first set of rogues here about a kilometer away from the building but surrounding it completely with his guards about 50 meters away from each other.  Then his second set is 500 meters away from the building but this time the guards are at 70 meter distance with each other. His last set of guards has been placed right within the area of the building. Plus the rogues in the building." Luke finishes off.

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