Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

“Crap” I heard Luke mutter.

“What the hell is going on?” I whisper to Luke.

He looks confused as to why I was whispering but I just said “Don’t want to ruin the moment.” He nods and I walk into the room with Luke trailing behind me. It's true I didn't want to ruin the moment but once they're awake I'm gonna chew their heads off. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was I imagining things?

“Pinch me” I told Luke. The idiot actually does and really hard. “Ouch!” I yell waking up the two sleeping. At first Jackson tried to get up but Jason stopped him from moving so that he could sleep. Why am I not surprised. “Sleepy head” I mumble.

 Jackson laughs and then opens his eyes spotting me and Luke in the room. This made him jump out of the bed quickly with a blush creeping its way up his neck. Jason whines at the sudden loss of contact. He gets up, sitting on the bed rubbing his eyes. When he opened them he looked at me and then Luke and then Jackson’s now red face.

“What the hell is going on here?” I asked getting irritated. No one was saying anything to explain the situation.

“Look we can expla-” Jason started but I cut him off feeling angry.

“Oh, please do. Since I’m the only one that seems to not know what’s going on”

“Princess calm down” Luke said coming closer but I held up a hand to stop him from getting any closer.

“No I’m not going to calm down until I know what the f*ck is going on.” I said.

“We’ll tell you just not now.” Jason says.  I was about to argue back but Jackson beat me to it.

“I think it’s time we tell her about us, about everything.” Jackson says.

“What do you mean about everything?” I ask getting angry as the seconds passed.

Jason looks to Luke as if to ask him for his permission. Luke nods. Why the hell does he have to ask Luke for permission? I’m getting confused by the minute.

“You might want to sit down for this Princess” Luke says while sighing.

“Why, is this that serious?” I ask

“Yea, you’re going to think we’re crazy when we tell you.” Jackson says.

“Ok what the hell are you guys talking about? You’re scaring me right now”

All three of them look at each other and then back at me and then back to each other.

“Oh my god, just tell me already!” I yell getting frustrated

All three of them sigh in unison and then look back to me.

“You see, we’re not normal...” Jason says.

I nod and then say “I already know that you’re bipolar.”

“No! No we’re not bipolar. Lily if you want us to tell you then you’re going to have to try not to interrupt.” Jackson says.

I nod again waiting for them to go on.

“You know how the whole school sort of worships us” Jase starts. I nod knowing why already but waiting for him to go on.

“Well it’s not because we’re popular or because we’re the hottest guys in school. Well those are the reasons for the humans but not for some.”

What the hell, did he just call them humans? What’s going on?

“What do you mean?” I ask

“We’re werewolves.” Luke says.

I laugh. I laughed so hard that now my stomach hurts. They were just messing with me. Obviously that’s what they’re doing because there’s no way that they’re werewolves. I mean werewolves are myths right. I’ve heard all those myths before and read books about them before. Werewolves are fiction. They don’t exist. I look up at the boys who look uncomfortable. Oh my god, they can’t be serious. I stop laughing and look at them.

“Am I being punkd” I ask. Luke sighs and shakes his head no.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Princess, I’m the Alpha and Jase here is my Beta and Jackson is Jason’s mate.”

“You can’t be serious” I said starting to feel light headed.

They didn’t say anything. Nothing at all. They all looked serious. My breath started coming out in short breaths. I was hyperventilating. They can’t be werewolves. They just can’t, I’ve known them all my life. They are not werewolves.They can't be.

Luke ran towards me and wrapped his arms around me to stop me from shaking. He put his lips to my neck kissing me where my neck and shoulder met, making me calm down. He let go and looked at me, a frown falling upon his lips.

“You all right Princess?”

I only nodded my head not being able to find my voice.

“Maybe you should get some rest for now. I think that’s enough for today. Jason, take care of her. I have some pack things to deal with.” Luke said in a commanding voice. Jase bowed his head down as Jackson did the same.

Luke started to walk out but before he could, I grabbed his arm making him stop. He turned around to look at me.

“What is it Princess?” Luke said

“I want to know more. I need to know everything in order for me to get some rest. I can’t get some rest knowing that I don’t know anything. Please tell me everything. That’s all I’m asking. I won’t start to freak out. I want to know what’s happening, I need to. I feel like my head is going to explode. I want to know everything starting from the beginning.” I told him trying not to break down.

He only nodded. He made me sit on the bed and he took out a chair and sat in front of me. Jason and Jackson just stood.

“Well, here goes nothing...” Luke started off

A/N:  Hope you like my book so far! I know this chapter is pretty short but I hoped you liked it anyway. Well now you know what they are but I know its pretty confusing. I promise the next few chapters will explain a lot more on what's happening. If you guys want I can update another chapter today, just let me know by commenting on the book. Remember to Vote also.

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