Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

“I’m not going to beat around the bush here so I’ll just come out and tell you. Princess, you are my mate....”

My lungs seemed to stop working as I struggled to take breathes. I’m his mate? I can’t be. My wolf is not even out yet so how could he know I’m his mate when I can’t even tell.

“Princess breathe please” Luke said rushing over to me and hugging me before pressing his lips to my neck making me calm down instantly.

“H-How do you know and I don’t?”

“I’ve known ever since I was 15, my wolf came out when I turned 15. When I saw you at the party my wolf instantly recognized you as our mate.”

“Our?” I asked.

“My wolf and I are one, we are not separate. Whatever he feels, I feel and whatever I feel, he feels.” Luke explained

“My wolf was whining the whole time to come over to you and mark you but I couldn’t. I wanted to wait until you found your true form and your wolf came out. But now that you know I can’t wait. It’s been three years since I found you and my wolf is starting to get restless and I don’t know how much longer I can hold him back before he takes over. He needs to mark you so that all the other wolves know that you are his and that I am yours.” Luke said.

“What do you mean by mark me?” I asked

“Once you find your mate you mark each other as in bite one another where your neck and shoulder meets. This shows that you belong to someone and any male that comes near you will know that you already have a mate and any female that comes close to me will know that I have a mate also.” He explained

“Does it hurt?” I asked

“At first when you feel my canines pierce your neck but after all you feel is pleasure course through you.”

I blushed at the sound of his voice turning husky.

“How come I didn’t feel anything?”

“You didn’t know but you definitely felt the pull you have always felt it but you being you, you just wouldn’t admit that you actually had feelings for me. “ Luke said laughing a little.

“But how else would you know other than the pull and your wolf telling you?”

“The tingles” he said

“The tingles?” I asked trying to play dumb

“Don’t try to act all innocent on me. You know exactly what I’m talking about. The tingles that feel like little shockwaves whenever we touch each other.”

“Oh that” I said

“Yea that. Since I didn’t mark you, my wolf has been going crazy. He needs to feel your touch in order for me to get through the day without ripping every single guys head off for staring at you. Your touch is the only thing that will calm me down when I’m angry or on a rage.”

“So mates are really a blessing from the moon goddess isn’t it.” I didn’t ask more like stated.


Did I just hear a voice in my head again? I really need to get that appointment scheduled for my next visit at the doctors.   

‘You’re not going crazy princess’

I looked towards Luke who had a smirk on his face. What the hell. Was he talking to me in my head? Luke started to explain what was happening probably because of the confused look I was giving him.

“Mates also share a special connection that only they have between each other. You can hear all my thoughts and I can hear all of yours. No one else can hear me or talk to me through the link except for me and the same goes for you. We can talk to each other through the bond. But since we haven’t mated or bonded yet the mind link is a little harder. It is going to be especially hard for you because you don’t have your wolf so you have to concentrate harder than me so we can communicate through our mind.” He finished explaining.

“Wait so that means that you know everything that I am thinking about. Like every thought and feeling?” I asked

“Yes, but I don’t listen in very much because I want to give you your space.” Luke said putting me at ease a little. I don’t want him to know about everything I think about.

“So that voice that was in my head yesterday was you? When I thought I was hearing voices in my head telling me that I don’t have brain tumour, that was you?”

“The one and only” He stated proudly.

“You man whore!”

I grabbed the closest thing that was near me which happened to be a baseball and chased Luke around the house. We ran into the living room where Jason and Jackson were sitting and I threw the ball at Luke. Except it hit him where the sun doesn’t shine. He fell to the floor cupping his “crowned jewels” and I tried so hard not to laugh at him but I couldn’t help it.

“Hey! Lily, where did the ball go?” Jason yelled at me for throwing his autographed baseball while looking for it.

“That’s what Luke’s looking for” I said and Luke just glared at me while I started to crack up.

Jase and Jackson started to laugh along with me while Luke just waited until we were done laughing. When we did he came closer to me and leaned down to whisper something in my ear.

“You’re going to help me find those balls of mine if you want our mate bond to be completed.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked

“To complete the bond we have to not only mark each other but we need to do the deed so my scent is permanently on you and your scent on me. Then let’s see who’s going to be crying out in pain” He said while pulling back and smirking at me.

My cheeks flushed a deep red while Luke just winked at me.

“Who said I’m going to mate with you?” I asked trying to get a reaction out of him.

“What do you mean? Are you rejecting me?” Luke said while frowning.

He looked up at me and I saw a mixture of hurt, pain and anger. I was just joking. My heart clenched at the sight in front of me. Luke never showed any emotions around me, he was always the cocky Luke that I love or the night time one which I also love. He never showed any emotions whether it was that he was sad or angry. Luke always thought that showing emotions made men weak. I never knew what he meant by it but now I think I understand. He’s the Alpha of a pack. He has to take care of his pack, protect them, keep them well and many more because his whole pack is relying on him to do so. How is he handling everything by himself? Doesn’t he need help sometimes between school and the pack? Did I just say that I loved Luke? Do I love Luke?

“After I was waiting this long for you, you’re just going to throw me away?” Luke shouted his voice radiating through the room. Anger filled the room, I can feel all the power radiating off of him.

“Lily, go touch him” Jackson said while pushing me towards Luke.

“What? Why?” I asked scared to go even near him.

“He won’t hurt you, you’re his mate. Just go touch him and he’ll calm down or else he’s going to shift right here. Now go!” Jackson said pushing me.

I went to Luke and cupped his cheek, lifting his face so that I can look into those gorgeous green eyes. He calmed down as soon as I moved closer to him.

“Luke, I would never reject you. I wouldn’t be the one to put you through hell like that. Sure if I mate you I’ll put you in hell anyway but it will be our hell. You’re my mate now and forever and no one can say anything or do anything to change that, alright? You’re going to be stuck with me as your mate whether you like it or not. I might not be perfect but I can try, for you.

A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter. I hope this is long enough it came up as 5 pages on word so I'm hoping it is. Don't forget to Vote/Comment. 

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