Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Kayla started tapping again. I listened in. 'I am panicking but its not about me. I've been in this hell hole for awhile. I'm worried about you and your baby.'

Baby? What was she going on about. I sent back a quick reply telling her that there was no baby. She tapped back telling me that I was pregnant but I wasn't far along, about a week or so. 'You're making no sense',I tapped back. This was ridiculous. If I was pregnant I would know right?

'How do you know?'I tapped back.

'It's apart of our gifts as the Alpha King and Queen's daughters.'

'You mean that I'm pregnant. That there is a life inside of me, growing inside of me. A baby.'I replied.

'Yes' she replied back one final time before she stopped tapping.

I couldn't believe this. I'm carrying Luke's child, my child. Our baby. Tears started flowing out of my eyes and this time I didn't try to stop them. I let them flow down. I cried, I cried for my unborn child, for my future, for my sister, for the women that I was with, but most of all I cried for my mate, my love.


I heard footsteps approaching their way down again. I tried to wipe away as much as my tears as I could but it was sort of hard considering the fact that my hands were locked in silver chains. I looked up to see who was approaching only to see Isaac's son there.

He unlocked my hands and I stretched my wrists out. My hands automatically went to my abdomen, cradling it. He looked at me and held a finger to his lips telling me to be quite. I nodded my head. Some how being around him didn't give me the same vibes that I got when I was with Isaac. I felt a lot more relaxed and I didn't feel scared. There was something about him, he may be Isaac's son but nothing like Isaac. I can feel it.

He crouched down to the floor where I was sitting my arms tucked around my stomach. I waited for him to talk, to speak, to whisper but instead he started tapping on the ground. It was exactly the same thundering of fingers like mine and Kayla's. I raised a questioning brow and he just smiled softly then resumed tapping on the ground beneath us again.

'I know this might seem like a ploy but I actually have known you guys ever since you were brought into custody. I used to creep downstairs and just sit on the staircase making sure the guards didn't see me. I used to listen to the way you and your sister communicated. I eventually caught on. Trust me when I say I'm not here to harm you and your sister. I want to help you guys get out but in return I want to be accepted into your pack, to be a part of your pack.' He looked at me cautiously.

I processed his words then smiled at him nodding my head. I know this is not a ploy. There's something about him, something that I'm not sure if I entirely understand, but I believe him.

'Ok I got to go now, but here' he reached out behind him and pulled out a ham sandwich that was settled into a nice clear Ziploc Bag. I reached out and got it. I'm eating for two now, might as well eat even though I'm not hungry. I smiled a grateful smile at him and he returned his own before turning around and walking away.

I devoured the sandwich in less than 5 minutes. I was worried that Isaac or his guards would see me eating when I'm suppose to be in handcuffs. I finished off the sandwich then quickly secured the handcuff's on my wrists.

I was just in time because 2 minutes later Isaac stood in front of me smiling. It gave me the chills but I suppressed them. I did not want to show weakness ever.

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