Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

“Luke, I would never reject you. I wouldn’t be the one to put you through hell like that. Sure if I mate you I’ll put you in hell anyway but it will be our hell. You’re my mate now and forever and no one can say anything or do anything to change that, alright? You’re going to be stuck with me as your mate whether you like it or not. I might not be perfect but I can try, for you.”

Luke smiled at me. It wasn’t the usual smirks, and not his small polite ones it was a smile where his teeth showed, all of them. I made the big bad Alpha smile. My lips flew up into a grin of its own.

I don’t even know what I was saying. There is still so much things that I don’t know about werewolves or mates. But if it’s Luke then I think I’ll be ok.

“I won’t rush you into anything. We’ll go as slow as you need to go. Little by little, at our own pace, I promise.” I nodded.

I’m not sure about all this mate stuff but I will try my best to be a good one. Luke’s temper does scare me. I don’t know if I can handle him every time he gets angry. But then Luke is just Luke. He’ll be the arrogant dick head and the considerate night time Luke if I want him to be. But I don’t get one thing...

“Luke if you knew I was your mate when you were 15 then why did you still g-go out with all th-those girls, k-k-kiss them, and s-sleep with th-them?” I didn’t mean to stutter or for my voice to crack during the end. I was on the verge of crying. Geez why am I getting so emotional?

‘It’s the mate bond’ A voice in my head said. Except that it wasn’t Luke’s voice. It sounded more feminine.

‘It’s your wolf’ Luke said through our mind link.

“What” I asked out loud.

“Your wolf is starting to awaken. By the next full moon your wolf would be fully awakened” Luke explained.

I couldn’t even look at Luke without thinking about him with another girl. I let out a low growl when an image of Luke and Jessica popped into my head. I felt betrayed and hurt. I wanted to cry but I couldn’t.

Luke must have seen the image in my head and heard what I was thinking because he instantly stiffened.

“I’m gonna go to my room” I said and turned around to walk to my room but I felt a hand grabbing my arm to stop me from walking any further. I knew it was Luke from the tingles that sprinted up my arm.

“Wait, Princess. I know you probably don’t want to talk to me right now but let me explain”.

“Save it. I know that a guy has his needs and obviously you couldn’t wait or keep it in your pants”. I stated on the brink of crying just thinking about it.

I yanked my arm out of his hand and ran into my room and slammed the door shut. I went straight to bed. I don’t know what was happening to me. Why am I acting so emotional?

‘He’s our mate, no one is allowed to touch him the way we do. He’s not supposed to touch anyone except for us’ my wolf said.

‘Your wolf is starting to come out. This can’t be good .It’s coming out sooner than its suppose to’ Luke’s voice sounded in my head.

‘Get out of my head’ I said back. It wasn’t easy. I probably looked constipated because of how hard I was concentrating.

‘Please talk to me. Let me explain’ Luke said through the link.

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