Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

What the hell was he doing? “Jason what the hell has gotten into you” I yelled. “Put Seth down now!” I screamed. He did as I told him to. I turned to see Seth’s neck red and him scrambling off to his car before I can say anything.

I slamed the door and glared at Jase to see him still fuming. “All of you go into the family room now” I yelled. They didn’t respond but did as I told them. I walk into the room to find all of them whispering to each other.

Luke stands up and stops me from walking any further into the room and guides me to the corner. “What” I snapped. “Go easy on him alright he didn’t mean to” he said.

 “What do you mean he didn’t mean to! He was holding the poor guy up against the wall trying to choke him to death.”

“You won’t get it now just go easy on him” Luke said and walked away before I can ask him what he meant. What the hell is he going on about?

I walked up to the three idiots.

“I turn my back around for like two minutes and this is what happens.” None of them said anything.

“What the hell happened? One of you please tell me” Still nothing.

Calming down, I asked one more time. “Could you guys please tell me what happened.” I pleaded.

“Lily listen-” Jase started but Jackson cut him off.

“Nothing he just said some stuff that hurt and Jackson heard and got angry that’s all” Jackson says looking uncomfortable.

I nodded not wanting to push this any further. I went up to Jase and hugged him. “I’m sorry I yelled at you and thank you for standing up for Jackson.”

He stiffened at first but then hugged me back. “Can I join in on the hug or is it strictly only brother and sister” I heard Luke ask. “I’m starting to feel lonely you know” he whined. I rolled my eyes and stepped away from Jase to get the remote. I threw it at Luke but he caught it. I picked up the throw pillow and ran straight to Luke smothering him with it.  But he grabbed me and flipped us over.

I looked up into his green eyes and stared into them. I felt like those green eyes would swallow me whole. Would it be so bad to just like him? I know I already went over this a million times in my head but this is Luke. The one who can touch me without me shivering, the one who I need in order to go to sleep, the one who comforts me, the one who’s always there for me taking care of me. Would it be so bad? Maybe it will maybe it might not but I can’t decide on that. My heart does. My mind says one thing but my heart has a mind of its own. Should I listen to what my head is telling me or should I let my heart win this one? Can I afford to let my heart win this one?

“Princess, I know you love me but no need to stare at me like that” Luke says

I pushed him off of me and went and sat on the couch not replying to him. I needed some space so that I can think. He looked hurt but I ignored him. He came and sat down on the couch with me while Jason and Jackson sat together. We all had our pizzas with us. The boys each had their own box of pizza while I had three slices.

We were watching Mirrors. Well I wasn’t watching more like hiding behind Luke whenever that ugly thing came up. The asswhole only laughed at my reaction. Once the movie was over I jumped off the couch and ran over to Jackson. Pulling him up off the couch, I tried yanking him towards the bathroom but he wouldn’t budge.

“What do you want Lily?” he asked laughing.

“Now that I watched that stupid thing I can’t go to the bathroom by myself and I really, really need to pee” I whined making all three of the idiots laugh.

“Nope I’m not coming take Luke with you” he said.

“Fine” I said and walked over towards Luke where he was in an intense game with Jason.

“Need to go to the bathroom, Princess?” Luke asked

“How did you know?” I asked. I didn’t even ask him yet.

“You always have to go pee right after we watch a horror” He said.

“You coming or not? I might pee myself if I wait any longer.” I said earning another chuckle out of the guys.

“I’m coming”

I ran towards the bathroom and turned on the light making sure not to look in the mirror. I closed the door but didn’t lock it.

After I was done I flushed the toilet, washed my hand and ran out of the bathroom right past Luke and straight into my room. He came in after me and closed the door behind him locking it. I made space for him and then waited for the warmth and tingles to come. As soon as I felt them I fell into a dreamless sleep.  

I woke up the next morning to the usual. My stomach was grumbling. I slipped out of bed and walked into the kitchen expecting to see Jackson lying on the couch sleep but he wasn’t. That’s funny. Jackson doesn’t like sleeping in my room when he comes over because it’s too "dark". I was making coffee for all of us when Luke walked in. I still haven’t decided what to do about him. I gave Luke his coffee and carried a mug for Jason.

 “Thanks princess, where are you going?”

“To Jason’s room” I called back.

“Wait, maybe you shouldn-”

 I opened the door to Jase’s room and dropped the mug. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Jason was there sleeping while cuddling up with Jackson.

A/N: I updated! Hope you guys like it! If you guys haven't noticed I did change my book into the Werewolf category now so that should giive you some hints here and there. Don't forget to Vote/Comment!

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