Chapter 7

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I stood there watching Luke until my vision started to blur. I thought I was going to faint but then I felt water droplets on my hand. I reach up to my face and felt tears streaming down my face. I felt something crawling its way up my throat. I ran out of the kitchen and straight into my bedroom's ensuite. I went straight for the toilet and knelt down on my knees.

I started to vomit out all the vodka and drinks I had. As I was puking my guts out, Luke had walked in at some point. He was beside me rubbing my back. "Don't worry princess I got you." He cooed as I emptied out my stomach.

 Luke helped me back up so that I was standing. He lifted me up and sat me down near the sink so that I could brush my teeth. He took out my toothbrush and toothpaste. I took it from him and started to brush my teeth.

 After I was done I hopped down from the sink with some help and walked towards my bed. I took off my flats and slid off my necklace. I got into bed not caring that I was still in my clothes from the party.

Luke stood there to make sure that I was alright before heading towards the door. I thought he would have gone back to the party but instead he turned off the lights and closed the door. Walking towards me he took off his shirt and slid out of his jeans before climbing into bed with his boxers.

I scooted over to make some space for him. "Aren't you going back to the party to handle things?" I asked. "Nah, Jackson and Jason are handling things out there and besides you aren't going to go to sleep without nightmares especially without your prince charming here, are you?" Luke replied. "A prince I can agree to since the whole school bows down to you, charming is being a bit too hopeful, don't you think?" I told him as he had a scowl on his face. "Considering that all the girls at school have their legs wide open for me at any moment, I think it’s safe to say that I'm charming" he replied. "Not all the girls but I can see your point" I reasoned with him.

I like this side of Luke better than the one I am ever so graced with seeing everyday at school. Night time Luke is nicer and sweeter than the daytime Luke who is arrogant and cocky. I turned around so that he could spoon me as he tucked his arm under my head and his arm went around my waist.

Sleep found me instantly as soon as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I never realised that today’s events drained the life out of me. Luke kissed the back of my head after murmuring goodnight as I said goodnight back.

In the morning I woke up to the usual morning glory that was pushed against my thigh. I got used to the little surprise I wake up to every morning. When I was 10 and I woke up to Luke's erection for the first time I panicked. I woke up Luke to question him what was the hard thing that was pressed against me. He flushed and tried to explain to me that it happens to every boy when they wake up and that all the blood rushes to their area so it feels hard. After he was done explaining I said sorry and blushed a deep red as he let out a nervous laugh. But after he cleared up the little confusion he told me to not think about it, so I didn't. I had health class the next day where I learned about puberty and all the other crap along with the things Luke told me.

 I turned over to see it was only 6 and that I had enough time to get ready for my dance class. I turned over to Luke and woke him up but he just lifted his arm and leg before grabbing me closer to him and locked me there so I couldn't move. I pinched him and he yelled as I clamped my hand over his mouth before he could wake up my brother.

  He licked my hand so I would get my hand off of his mouth which I gladly did. "Eewww, Luke!! That's disgusting!!!" I shrieked as I wiped off his saliva on him and got out of bed while he was laughing.

"I'm gonna go take a shower" I told him while walking past him into my closet to pick out new underwear and my white sweats with my sky blue t-shirt that hugged my curves. I pointed to Luke as I told him "Go get ready, I don't want to go to class late again. Oh and don't think you can go back to sleep after I'm gone into the bathroom. I'll kill you."

He groaned and got out of bed, slipping on his jeans and shirt before climbing out through my window. I turned towards the bathroom and walked in. I took a quick shower after brushing my teeth. I slid on my clothes before going over to grab my gym bag to pack some clothes into it.

I walked out and pulled out my phone to call Jackson but then I heard shuffling behind me and I turned to see Jason. "Hey Jase, why are you up so early its only 7" I told him surprised. He never wakes up early, especially after a party. "Just needed to grab some Tylenol because of the hangover" he told me. I nodded and walked into the kitchen with him. I made my bowl of cereal while Jason made some eggs and toast for himself. At least that’s what I thought until he pulled out two plates and put some toast and eggs on each plate.

I raised my eyebrow at him in question as he just smiled while ruffling my hair. "Who's the second plate for?" I asked him.  Jason never cooks for anyone but himself especially not for his one night stands. "A friend" he replied casually. "Uh huh, and this "friend" of yours is it a girl or a boy?" I asked. "A friend that I like to hang out with-"  "And apparently make breakfast for “I added. "Yeah, yeah think what you want to think" he said while grabbing the pain killers.

"Hey, by the way did you see Jackson leave last night? We have practice and I keep calling him but not getting a hit." I asked. He started to choke on his water and I ran towards him patting him on the back. "What's wrong?" I asked him worried. "Nothing the water went down the wrong pipe, that’s all" he said avoiding my eyes. "Alright, I'm going to try to call him one more time before I leave" I said dialing his number.

His phone was ringing somewhere in my house. I followed the sound to Jason's room while he came behind me. "Jason, why is Jackson's phone in your room?" I asked curiously. "He must have left it in there during the party" he said. I nodded knowing he was probably right.

"Ok, I'm getting late for dance, I'll talk to you later ok. And I'll help clean up after I'm back but with one condition" I said. "Alright what condition?" Jason asked. "That Shay and Jackson can come over to watch a movie and stay the night" I said. "Alright deal" he said sounding pleased with my condition. "Alright bye, you must be getting late for dance so I'll talk to ya later" he said steering me away from his bedroom door and out the front door.

That was weird. What was he hiding from me other than the fact who his "friend" was. Jason never hides anything from me. Oh well he'll tell me eventually, right? I was too busy day dreaming that I didn't hear Luke honking at me to get in.

I smiled and went towards his door, hoping in before strapping my seatbelt in. I liked it better when Luke was driving rather than Jason. Jason drives way too fast for me and I can't handle that after the accident.

Time to go to my favourite place in the world...the studio. And then confronting Jackson about why he left his phone in my brother's room instead of mine like he usually does...

A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry I didn't update on Monday. I was busy with school and homework sadly and I couldn't get to my laptop to update. Hope you guys like this chapter. Anyway I got ONE HUNDRED reads!! Thank you for all of you that are still reading my book. As you must have noticed I changed my book cover. What do you think about  it?

What do you think is happening with Jason? Who do you think his mystery friend is? Which Luke do you guys like better, Night time Luke or Daytime Luke? I promise I'll try to update on Saturday for you guys.

Remeber to Vote/Comment! Love you guys!

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