Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Lily, Lily, LILY WAKE UP!!!" Someone was yelling it wasn't Jason I could tell that. The voice sounded familiar....Luke?? I opened my eyes to find Luke staring at me. What was he doing here? That's when I remembered everything that happened before.

 "Thank god your awake, it’s ok I'm here now stop crying" he cooed. God I'm such a wreck when I wake up from a nightmare. That's why I don't go to sleepovers; they only get worse when I'm not in my own bed. I couldn't stop crying the scenes from my nightmare kept coming up. I kept hearing my mom scream, I was drowning in her screams.

Luke hugged me while lying right beside me. I grabbed a hold of his shirt while crying into his chest. That only made him hug me tighter. He was whispering something to me but I couldn't hear it because I was sniffling so loud.

 Luke was rubbing my back to soothe me and it worked I stopped crying and I looked up at his face. He smiled and wiped the remaining tears from my face. For some reason I felt safe at that moment when I was lying in his arms. He made me feel safe.

"Thank you" I said not knowing what else to say. He smiled and said "Anytime." "Go back to sleep alright, you barely slept for 10 minutes before you woke up screaming" he said before walking towards the door. I looked at the clock, he was right it hasn't even been 10 minutes.

 "Luke, wait" I called out not wanting him to leave. He turned around and asked "Yea?" I looked down and fiddled with my covers embarrassed about what I was going to ask. "Umm...Well...can you stay here with me until I fall asleep" I asked and squeaked out the last part.

 I looked up at him and he had many emotions play out on his face: happy, excited, confused, scared, and relief. "Sure" he said. I usually didn't have to ask him because he knows I can't sleep without him there with me.

Luke locked the door so Jason doesn't find us like this... I shifted underneath my covers trying to make some space for him and turned around so my back was facing him. Luke got in underneath the covers and turned around to face me. He hesitated a bit before he wrapped his arms around me surrounding me in his scent. He smelled good, like vanilla actually.

 I inched back a little until my back was against Luke's chest. My head was now tucked underneath his chin. "Hey Luke, where were you when I woke up this morning screaming?" I asked him. "Sorry princess, I had to leave early because my mom called me. She woke up early and came to check on me and I wasn't there. I told her I was out for a run. I slipped out of your bedroom window and ran over to my house. She thought I was out partying. Are you okay? I knew I shouldn't have left, I knew you were going to get nightmares. I'm sorry." Luke said.

"No it’s alright I just got worried when Jason woke me up screaming. I thought he found you here" I said. "Ha no, I would have been dead by now if that happened." he said jokingly but I knew he was serious. I smiled and drifted off into a dreamless sleep for the first time today.

I woke up to the bed dipping; I turned around to find Luke getting up. He heard me and turned around to face me. "Sorry did I wake you up?" he asked. I shook my head. "I sort of fell asleep with you and when I got up it was already 6:00" he said.

 I nodded again showing him that I was listening. "Jason's not here yet. He's probably out buying booze for the party" he said. I just nodded my head. "How did you sleep? I didn't hear you screaming" he said. "I slept great. It's the first time I slept peacefully today without waking up screaming" I said. When Luke was away for an overnight trip or on vacation or if I was on vacation I would make Jason sleep with me but I would still wake up screaming anyways. It wasn't the same as when Luke slept with me.

"I'll help out" I said not liking the awkward silence that some how crept in. Luke nodded and got up and left. I decided to take a shower. I got out of the shower and realized I hadn't brought my clothes with me except for my towel.

 I wrapped my towel around myself and opened the door and walked straight into a hard chest. I stepped back and looked up to see who it was. Luke. "Luke, help me get the booze set up" Jason walked towards Luke only to see me in a towel and Luke in front of me.

 Luke smiled his trademark smirk at me, that's when I knew that the nice day I had with him was over. Why didn't I just take a bath in my ensuite? "Princess, if you wanted to show me that you were madly in love with me then you don't have to seduce me. Although I can't say that its not working" Luke said while smirking.

 And he's back to the Luke that we all know and hate. Well not we but I. "You wish" I said as I snorted by accident. "Dude, little sister!" Jason yelled clearly not liking that he was seeing me in a towel.

I pushed past them both and went into my bedroom slamming the door behind me. Why did he have to ruin the day we had by saying something like that? I stomped my foot and then blushed as soon as I did it. Good thing Luke didn't see that or else I would never hear the end of it.

A/N: Heyy guys!! So I know this chapter is short but thats all I could manage for today. If you guys want me to update today again around the afternoon I will, just let me know. I know that you guys must have a lot of questions as to why Luke is slepping with Lily although they are not dating. They haven't had sex or anything! Just saying. Lily's still a virgin. I promise that everything will get cleared up very soon in the next chapter. Hope you guys like it. Don't forget to Vote/Comment! Love you guys!!

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