Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

“Exactly. That’s what my world is like without you...”

My heart filled up with joy hearing him say those words. I opened my eyes and looked to see him pulling out a ring and a chain...

“Luke what are you doi-” I was cut off by Luke.

“Don’t worry I’m not gonna ask you to marry me, but I do want to ask you something...” I sighed in relief. I do want to marry Luke one day in the future but not now. For heaven sakes we haven’t even started dating yet.

“And what is that?” I asked

“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked looking nervous.

I nodded eagerly. I couldn’t speak, I felt as if my voice was stuck in my throat.

He laughed while pulling out a chain with a beautiful ring on it. I gasped. It wasn’t over the top with diamonds or anything but simple. It was simple plain and lovely just the way I like it. I’m not one to worry about how I look or what anyone thinks about me. I’m me if you don’t like the way I am then I would just tell you to keep walking.

“It’s a promise ring” Luke said while unclasping the chain and putting it on me and clasping it around my neck.

“It’s beautiful” I said not knowing what to say.

“I promise to not rush you or pressure you. I’ll try to be the best mate that this world has ever seen. We’ll go forth in this relationship as slow as you want or as fast as you want. I prefer the later but we will go at your pace. If we’re going to fast at any time all you have to do is tell me to stop.”

“I know that” I said

Luke leaned in to kiss me but another soaring pain ceased through me causing me to hiss out in pain.

“You need to bite me Princess in order for the pain to go away.”Luke said.

“I’m not going to bite you and suck your blood like a vampire!” I said in between my screams.

Luke lifted me up so that now I was sitting close to him and sat me down on his lap. He directed my head to his neck. Now my lips were an inch away from touching his neck.

“It’s alright, it won’t hurt me. All you have to do is open your mouth and now that your wolf is half way out she’ll guide you through it.” Luke reassured me. I nodded and then started to open my lips and instantly feel some pressure from two of my teeth. I used my tongue to feel my now sharp, pointy canines. I put my teeth on Luke’s neck which he has repositioned so that I can bite him. My canines were on his neck but I hadn’t bitten into him yet. I felt another painful jolt making its way through me which caused me to bite into him. I expected for his blood to taste like...well like blood. But instead of a metallic taste hitting my tongue, it was sweet, spicy, and cotton candy put all together. I know that it sounds like a disgusting combo but it wasn’t. I wanted more of it; it was like a drug that I could easily get addicted to. I think I’m already addicted to it. As I drank his blood I felt the pain go away little by little. I didn’t want to let go but I pulled away reluctantly. I didn’t want to drain him out of his blood even though I craved it so much.

Again flashes of images emerged. It was the same scenes but right now I saw a little girl attached to silver chains hissing out in pain. I couldn’t take much out of the images for it was blurry. The images bothered me. I wanted to cry at the sight of them.

As soon as I pulled away I looked at Luke’s neck where I had just bitten him. I was expecting to see two holes in his neck that looked like a vampire had bitten him but instead there was black ink that looked like intricate designs around his neck moving its way to the front of his chest where his shirt was hiding the rest of it away from my view.  But in the middle of all the ink there was my name where I was expecting my canine marks to be. Lily Irina Reynolds. I gasped at the site. It was beautiful. Except that I had Luke’s last name now. I didn’t realize that I was tracing over the tattoo looking mark until Luke started talking, jolting me from my thoughts.

“Go check yours out” he said jerking his head in the direction of my bathroom. I hesitantly got off the bed and walked towards my bathroom. I turned to look in the mirror. I gasped at the sight. It was gorgeous. It looked exactly like Luke’s except instead of mine going down the front of my chest it went down my back. In the middle of all the beautiful chaos was Luke’s name. Luke Colton Reynolds.

Luke came in and admired my mark. Just then I realised that if you put my mark and Luke’s side by side it will fit perfectly together. Like two pieces of the puzzle put together. Even though I was so happy right now I couldn’t help but think of the disturbing images. The girl’s hands looked like they were burnt and tears were flowing out of her eyes endlessly.

Luke’s eyes widened at the images. It looked like recognition shined through his eyes. His eyes darkened and he let out a low growl. Luke started to shake with rage. The sight petrified me.

I started to walk towards him and laying my hand down on his mark and he instantly calmed down. “Luke calm down. It’s not like I’m the one in those images But it is oddly confusing as to why I’m having these images. Why am I having these random images?”

“It’s not random, but it is relevant. Let’s leave it at that.” He said. I didn’t want to question it further, so I just let it be for now.

His finger grazed around my mark making me shiver at his touch.

“Now your mine and I’m yours.” He said as he pulled me in and breathed in deeply inhaling my scent as I did the same. He smelled like wild berries and grass.

I couldn’t believe how much has happened within one weekend. One weekend and my life is flipped over placing me in a different world, like my old life didn’t exist anymore. Like it never existed. But oddly enough I wasn’t upset. It felt right, like this is how it should have been. This feels right.

A/N: Hope you liked the update. Anyone have any guesses about what's going on with Lily? Next chapter is going to be a shocker for most of you. Next update as usual is gonig to be next saturday but I might update in between if I'm not too busy next week. But thank you to all of you that gave this book a chance and for voting and commenting on it. Anyways don't foget to Vote/Comment! Love you all!

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